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Monday, March 28, 2016

AP Rc 2 Certain Instructions on Running of Half Day Schools in Andhra Pradesh

AP Rc 2 Dt 28.03.2016 School Education Dept of Andhra Pradesh -School Academic Calendar 2015-16 Half Day Schools during Summer-Certain instructions issued. In view of the severe heat conditions in The state the following instructions are issued to all the DEOs in the State

  1. Strictly implement the timings prescribed during the half day schools
  2. Adequate drinking water should be provided in all the schools Coordinate with the Gram Panchayath & RWS Department whee ever and whenever required and ensure the same
  3. Classes shall not be conducted in the open areas/ under the trees under any circumstances
  4.  Keep handy some oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) sachets in every school for use of students and teachers if suffering from Sun/Heat Stroke
  5. Provide butter milk during MDM in cordination with local community
  6. Click here to Download Rc 2 Dt 28.03.2016