AP Rc 2 Dt 28.03.2016 School Education Dept of Andhra Pradesh -School Academic Calendar 2015-16 Half Day Schools during Summer-Certain instructions issued. In view of the severe heat conditions in The state the following instructions are issued to all the DEOs in the State
- Strictly implement the timings prescribed during the half day schools
- Adequate drinking water should be provided in all the schools Coordinate with the Gram Panchayath & RWS Department whee ever and whenever required and ensure the same
- Classes shall not be conducted in the open areas/ under the trees under any circumstances
- Keep handy some oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) sachets in every school for use of students and teachers if suffering from Sun/Heat Stroke
- Provide butter milk during MDM in cordination with local community
- Click here to Download Rc 2 Dt 28.03.2016