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Saturday, March 12, 2016

AP G.O.Ms.No.17 DSC 2014 Amendment in Selection of Posts

AP G.O.Ms.No.17 DSC 2014 Amendment in Selection of Posts|School Education Department – The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules – Amendment – Orders – Issued.
AP G.O.Ms.No.17 DSC 2014 Amendment in Selection of Posts|School Education Department – The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules – Amendment – Orders – Issued./2016/03/ap-gomsno17-dsc-2014-amendment-in-selection-of-posts.html


School Education Department – The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules – Amendment – Orders – Issued.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOL EDUCATION (EXAMS) DEPARTMENT
G.O.MS.No. 17                                                                              Dated: 09-03-2016
Read the following:-

1.    G.O. Ms. No. 38, School Education (Exams) Department, dated 19/11/2014.
2.    Government Memo No 123047/Exams/2015, dated 25/1/2016.
3.    From the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Hyderabad, Letter Rc. No. 18/TRC-1/2016, dated 12/2/2016
  1. In the Government Order 1st read above, The Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) cum Teacher Recruitment Test for the posts of Teachers (Scheme of Selection) Rules were issued for taking up teachers recruitment through DSC 2014.
  2. 2.                                      In the Government Memo 2nd read above, Government accorded permission to the Commissioner of School Education to take up the further recruitment process in respect of 8086 notified vacancies including 3 S.A (Phy.Edn), 7057 SGTs and 1026 Language Pandits duly following the guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.38, School Education (Exams) Dept., dt.19.11.2014.
  3. 3.                                      In the circumstances stated by the Commissioner of School Education, AP, Hyderabad in the letter 3rd read above, Government after careful examination, decided to issue the following amendments to Sub Rule 6 Rule 17 of G.O.Ms.No.38, School Education (Exams) Dept., dt.19.11.2014.


1.         The following addendum shall be inserted under Sub Rule (6) of Rule 17
  • Provided that if a candidate applied for two or more posts and gets selected/joins in a lower category posts, but subsequently gets selected to  a higher category post, she/he shall be allowed to opt for higher category post. For the resultant vacancy in the lower category post, the next meritorious candidate  in the merit list in respective category and community shall be considere
  • Provided that the provisional list shall be redrawn by the District Selection Committee to the extent of posts vacated due to selection to a higher category post, subject to the condition that the number of candidates included shall not be more than the number of vacancies notified/selected for that particular category.


4.         These orders shall come into force with effect from the date of issue of G.O.Ms.No.38 School Education (Exams) Department, dated 19/11/2014.