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Monday, February 22, 2016

TS/Telangana TSTET Notification Tentative Schedule

TSTET 2016 notification schedule| Tentative Schedule of TS /Telangana TSTET|TSTET 2016  information| Online Application Submission and download hall-tickets| TSTET Notification Tentative Schedule
TSTET 2016 notification schedule| Tentative Schedule of TS /Telangana TSTET|TSTET 2016 information| Online Application Submission and download hall-tickets| TSTET Notification Tentative Schedule

  1. Issue of TSTET 2016 Notification: March First week 
  2. Fee: Payment of fees at TSOnline or Mee-Seva :07.03.2016 to 17.03.2016 
  3. Information Bulletin: Download of  TSTET Information Bulletin: 05-03-2016
  4. Submission: Online submission of application through TET Website : 08.03.2015 to 18.03.2016
  5.  Help Desk services on all working days: 07.03.2016 to 18.03.2016                
  6. Receiving of Complaints pertaining to Online: 07.03.2016 to 18.03.2016              
  7.  Download the Hall Tickets: 01.04.2016                                                
  8. Date of Examination: 09 or 10-04-2016 (April 2nd Week, 2016 Updated)
  9. Paper -I:  9.30 am to 12.00 Noon
  10. Paper -II: 2.30 pm to  5.00 pm
  11. Declaration of Results:April 3rd Week, 2016
Help Desk:
For any problems in Online Application submissiobn and download of hall-tickets call Ph: 040-23120340 (Call Time : 10.30 A.M to 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5 P.M on working days)