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Monday, February 29, 2016

TS School Academic Calendar 2016-17 Other Activities Download

Download School Academic Calendar 2016-17 | TS School Academic Calendar | Download Telangana School Academic Calendar 2016-17 | Telangana State School Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar for the year 2016-17 and other programmes, activities for the next academic year

Download School Academic Calendar 2016-17 | TS School Academic Calendar | Download Telangana School Academic Calendar 2016-17 | Telangana State School Academic Calendar Academic Calendar for the year 2016-17 and other programmes, activities for the next academic year

1.      Academic year starts for 2016-17:   21.03.2016
2.      Summer vacation: 24.04.2016 to 12.06.2016
3.      Reopening of the schools: 13.06.2016

4.      Syllabus distribution: The syllabus for all subjects is distributed from 21.03.2016 to 
23.04.2016 and 12.06.2016 to 28.02.2017 [The syllabus was demarcated for SA1 and SA2 examinations].

  Examinations schedule:
No. of working days and dates for declaring results
·        before 30th July, 2016 – The performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records
·        period 21.03.2016 to 30.07.2016. 
62 working days
·        before 22nd September, 2016 – The performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.
·        period 01.08.2016 to 22.09.2016.
41 working days
      23.09.2016 to 29.09.2016
after 101 working days
·     answer scripts to children and declaring results 17.10.2016.
·     recording results upto 20.10.2016
·     parents meeting on 21.10.2016
·        before 30th November, 2016 – The performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.
·        period 15.10.2016 to 30.11.2016.
48 working days
·        before 30th January, 2017– The performance must be recorded in the registers and cumulative records.
·        period 01.12.2016 to 31.01.2017 for class X.
·        period 01.12.2016 to 28.02.2017 for class VI to IX.
after 44 working days (for class X)
after 66 working days (for class VI to IX)

07.03.2017 to 15.03.2017
after 109 working days
·   answer scripts to children and declaring results 21.03.2017.
·   recording results upto 21.03.2017.
·   parents meeting on 21.03.2017.

Pre-final for class X
      22.02.2017 to 06.03.2017

Term Holidays
·         30.09.2016 to 14.10.2016: First term holidays- 15 days [Dasera]
·         24.12.2016 to 30.12.2016: Christmas holidays- 7 days [for Christian minority schools]
·         11.01.2017 to 17.01.2017: Second term holidays- 7 days [Sankranthi. Other than Christian minority schools]
·         24.04.2017 to 11.06.2017: Summer vacation
·         12.06.2017 : School reopening

New syllabus for the academic year 2017-18:         21.03.2017 to 23.04.2017

(A) Primary teachers:
  1.     6-day programme on English language teaching learning process @ 3 days on classroom transaction for classes I and II 3-days for classes III to V. This includes CCE.
  2.     5-day training programme in the subjects of First Language (Telugu/ Urdu) and Mathematics. This includes CCE.
  3.     4-day training programme on Co-curricular activities @1 day per each of four co-curricular areas.
  4.     A teacher gets training in two subject areas i.e. English and Maths or English and Telugu.
  5.     A 2-day common training programme on strategies/ material for developing basic skills of literacy and numeracy among children who are backward in studies.

(A) Upper Primary and High Schools: 5-day training programme in all the subjects on following areas.
  1.      Content enrichment and clarification of doubts.
  2.      Classroom teaching learning process.
  3.    Assessment (CCE)- Focus on Formative and Summative Assessment and preparing question papers duly following the blueprint.
  4.       Co-curricular activities
  5.        A 2-day common training programme on strategies/ material for developing basic skills of literacy and numeracy among children who are backward in studies.
  6.       A 5-day training programme on ICT skills to integrate with curriculum teaching will be taken up to all the teachers in a phased manner starting with Maths and Science teachers during 2016-17.

(A) Training to teachers working in English Medium schools (Success Schools): Separate training shall be organized for the teachers teaching English medium sections in High Schools. This will be on English language communication and subject.
(B)  Training will be on demand and based on needs of the teachers: The trainings are being organized in a non serious way. Certain teachers are not interested to attend the training programme and says that they don’t need training programmes. Therefore, willingness of the teachers to undergo training may be collected through MEOs and Dy.EOs. All the teachers will be informed about the contents of the training programme, venue, particulars of the RPs, training amounts etc. and requested for their willingness. Those who wants training alone can be invited for the training.
(C)  Resource Persons for undertaking trainings: State Level Master Trainers (SRGs) shall be developed @20 per subject. Further, District Level Resource Groups in each subject @30 are being identified. In case of Primary Schools, Mandal Level RPs i.e. MRPs @2 per subject shall be identified. Capacity building of the Resource Persons shall be taken up through Master Trainers/ DRPs. The DEOs, Dy.EOs and DIET Principals shall identify DRPs and MRPs.
(D) Training venues: DIETs and Division Level training venues (DRCs) may be identified for the training of High School teachers. In case of Primary Schools, MRCs will be strengthened with all facilities i.e. LCD Projectors, TV, ROTs etc. DIETs also will be developed as best Training cum Resource Centres.
(E)  ICT labs: Two labs per District with 30 computers each will be developed in each District i.e. one at the DIET and the other at the divisional headquarters to start with.
(F)  ICT infrastructure in High Schools: The existing computer labs in all the High Schools under Government management will be made functional. Further, a smart classroom will be developed with LCD (K-YAN), TV and with ROT facility. Further, computer labs will be used for curriculum learning. The e-resources on various curricular subjects shall be uploaded into the school server so that the students and teachers shall use the resources through router like Wi-Fi services. The existing 
e-resources available with SIET, SCERT and SSA have been evaluated and effective programmes have been selected for providing to the schools under various school subjects.
(G) Schedule for conducting training programmes: The capacity building of Resource Persons at various levels shall be conducted during summer vacation and actual teacher trainings may be conducted after reopening of the schools i.e. July, 2016.
  1. Click here for Academic Calendar 2016-17 Main Issues
  2. Click here for Schools and Teachers Rationalisation Proposal by SCERT Telangana
  3. Click here for Subject wise Workload Distribution
  4. Click here to Download Academic Calendar 2016-17