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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Rc.23 SSC Public Examinations march 2016 Treating Language Pandits on par with School Assistants as far as Spot Valuation is concerned orders issued

 Rc.23  SSC Public Examinations march 2016 Treating Language Pandits on par with School Assistants as far as Spot Valuation is concerned orders issues|orders issued for treating language Pandits on par with School Assistants as far as Spot Valuation|

Rc.23  SSC Public Examinations march 2016 Treating Language Pandits on par with School Assistants as far as Spot Valuation is concerned orders issues|orders issued for treating language Pandits on par with School Assistants as far as Spot Valuation|

                                        Present : Sri M.R.Prasanna Kumar, M.A.(Litt),M.Ed

Rc.No.23/J-21/2015                                                                          Dt.23.02.2016

            Sub: SSC Public Examinations, March 2016 – Treating of Language Pundits on
                     par with School Assistants as far as valuation of answer scripts is
                     concerned – Orders – Issued-Reg.

            Ref: 1. Representation from RUPPAP Dt.15.12.2015
                   2. Memo No.98018/SE.Exams/20156-1,Dt.05.12.2015

             It is hereby informed that the Government have issued orders in the ref 2nd cited stating that the Language Pundits are to be treated at par with the School Assistants as far as SSC Spot Valuation is concerned.

             They shall implement the above orders scrupulously and any deviation will be viewed seriously.

Rc.23,Treating of Language Pundits on par with School Assistants as far as SSC Spot Valuation