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Friday, February 19, 2016

Rc 25 Supply of Lenovo Tablets to RJDs DEOs and MEOs in AP for Online Monitoring

Rc.No.25/IT·Cell/2015·l 6 Dated:  18/02/2016 CSE -  LT Cell -  Supply of Lenovo Tablets (2 A7·30) with  BSNL  3G SIMcards to all the RJDSEs, DEOs, POs, DyEOs and MEOs in the State Note  orders  of  the   Commissioner  of  School Education, A.P.,Hyderabad, dated:  11.02.2016.

 The School Education Department manages and regulates over 40,000 Schools i.e.,  Government I Zilla Parishad  I Municipal  I Aided  schools.  A comprehensive Management Information   System (MIS)  relating   to  infrastructure,   syllabus, admissions   I enrolment  and grievances for regular monitoring and course correction to deliver various benefits is being put in place for big fast results.It  is decided to supply Tablets  i.e Lenovo Tablets  (2 A7·30) with BSNL 3G SIM cards to all the Regional  Joint  Director  of School  Education, District Educational Officers, Project Officers of SSA, Deputy Educational Officers and Manda!  Educational Officers in the state for

Rc.No.25/IT·Cell/2015·l 6 Dated:  18/02/2016 CSE -  LT Cell -  Supply of Lenovo Tablets (2 A7·30) with  BSNL  3G SIMcards to all the RJDSEs, DEOs, POs, DyEOs and MEOs in the State Note  orders  of  the   Commissioner  of  School Education, A.P.,Hyderabad, dated:  11.02.2016.
  1. Online  monitoring  of performance of schools, academic, attendance etc..,
  2. Updating of Key performance      Indicators. 
  3. Monitor enrolment  at schools 
  4.  Monitoring effective Mid-day-Meals delivery
  5. Delivery of services to CWSN (Handicapped)·children
  6.  Improved Facilities management in schools
  7. Visit  Reports and
  8. Budgeting & Accounting -  Electronic Fund Management System.
These devices will  also be used for capturing all other  related data.  An appropriate application  will  support  consolidated  reports for  different  stakeholders  and  dash boards  on School Education   Portal  for  effective  monitoring.   The  application   software  is  developed  by APONUNE for various functional  I activities and can be downloaded in the tabs for use .