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Friday, February 12, 2016

Rc 1021 School Complex Schedule in RR for February 2016

TSSA RR District |Pedagogy wing|School Complex  Meeting in February 2016|Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abiyan RR District school complex Meeting
TSSA RR District |Pedagogy wing|School Complex Meeting in February 2016|Telangana Sarva Shiksha Abiyan RR District school complex Meeting

Points to be Discussed:
1. Review on  the implemetation of LEP-3R's Programme.
2.Other Academic Activities in the School.

Date of conduct of School Complex Meeting for Primary Level :17-02-2016 to 19-02-2016

Important Note:
1.Every School Complex HM will act as Scretary.
2.One of the Head Master or Teacher of under schools will act as Assistant Secretary.
3.The minutes of the meeting should be recorded in the minutes register.

Click here to download the proceeding and meeting agenda