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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Proc No 77 - SCERT Telangana-Conduct of SLAS -State Level Achievement Survey 2015-16

TS ‪‎SLAS‬/State Level Achievement Survey 2015-16 Test‬ in Telangana Schools‬: Conduct of State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS) on 22nd, 24th and 25th February, 2016 in selected schools of Telangana:

TS ‪‎SLAS‬/State Level Achievement Survey 2015-16 ‎Test‬ in Telangana ‎Schools‬: Conduct of State Level Achievement Survey (SLAS) on 22nd, 24th and 25th February, 2016 in selected schools of Telangana:

As per the guidelines of MHRD State Level Achievement Survey 2015-16 would be conducted on 24th and 25th February, 2016 in the selected schools of Telangana State. In this regard, a one day orientation to the Filed Investigators is scheduled on 22nd February, 2016 to the Principals and Faculty Members of DIETs has been appointed as Observers for smooth conduct of SLAS 2015-16. The identified Observers have to keep in touch with the Project Officers of SSA and AMOs of the District concerned to get the details of the schools where the SLAS the test is being conducted.
The Observers have to be attended the one day orientation at District Project Office, SSA and visit the field on 24th and 25th February, 2016. Further, the Observers have to submit the detailed report to the Director, SCERT with regard to conduct of SLAS test before 28th February, 2016. Here with we are enclosing the Handbook State Level Achievement Survey 2015-16. In case of any further details in this regard, contact Smt. M.Deepika, SLAS Coordinator, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad, 9100440766. The TA/ DA and Honorarium to the Observers will be paid by SCERT on receipt of their report. They have to submit the TA bills and bank particulars along with the report.

District allotted observers:
  1. 1 Smt. Lalitha Devi, Principal, Karimnagar. Warangal
  2. K. Krishna Mohan Rao, Prof., SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. Nalgonda
  3. Mr. Satyanarayana Raju, Lecturer, DIET, Khammam. Khammam
  4. Dr. Laxma Reddy, Principal, DIET, Warangal. Karimnagar
  5.  M. Deepika, Lecturer, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. Hyderabad
  6. Smt. Madhavi, Lecturer, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. RangaReddy
  7.  Mr. Srinivas, Principal, DIET, Nizamabad. Nizamabad
  8. K. Narayan Reddy, Lecturer, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. Mahabubnagar
  9. Mr. Mondaiah, Lecturer, DIET, Karimnagar. Adilabad
  10. A. Narender, Lecturer, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. Medak
  11. Click here to Download Proc No 77 by SCERT Telangana
  12. Click here to Download Guidelines for SLAS 
  13. Click here to Download training schedule for CRPs in RR