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Friday, February 19, 2016

Outsourcing Employees Remuneration Enhanced in Telangana

Govt of Telangana Finance Dept Contracting and Outsourcing of certain Services in Govt Departments-Enhancement of Remunerations-orders-issued

Govt have been contracting/ outsourcing certain services to effectively cater to the needs of the departments. Vide GO Rt 2501 Dt 13.07.2006 and GO MS No 3 Dt 12.01.2011 orers were issued fixing remuneration for certain categories of services from time to time
Govt have reviewed the remuneration presently prescribed for contact/outsourced services and hereby order revision of the same. These orders shall be come nto force w.e.f 01.01.2016
  1. Cat:I:-6700---->12000
  2. Cat:II:-7960---->15000
  3. Cat:III:-10900-->17500