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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

GO Rt 9 Recruitment of Supervisors in Adult Education Dept of AP Certain Guidelines issued

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH School Education Department – Adult Education Department – District Level Selection Committee for selection of Supervisors in Adult Education Department – Constituted – Orders – Issued.

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH School Education Department – Adult Education Department – District Level Selection Committee for selection of Supervisors in Adult Education Department – Constituted – Orders – Issued.
  1. Letter received from the Director of Adult Education, AP., Hyderabad, Rc.
    No.1983/A2/DAE/2015, dated 28.12.2015.
  2. Govt. Memo No.71787/Prog.III/2015, dated 02.01.2016.
  3. Letter received from the Director of Adult Education, AP., Hyderabad, Rc.
    No.1983/A2/DAE/2015, dated 27.01.2016.
O R D E R:
In the circumstances reported by the Director of Adult Education, A.P, Hyderabad
in the reference 3rd read above, the Government after careful examination, hereby
constitute the following District Level Selection Committee for selection of SGTs, PETs,
Grade-II by transfer for appointment to the post of Supervisors in Adult Education
Department in the Districts by inviting applications from eligible candidates as per rules
envisaged in G.O. Ms. No.679, Education (B) Department, dated 18.07.1979.

1. Addl. Joint Collector -- Chairperson
2. D.E.O -- Member
3. Dy. Director, Adult Edn., -- Member Convener

  1. Preference will be given to Seniors in the cadre of SGTs (i) with Higher
    qualifications, (ii) with minimum 10 yrs service and (iii) not exceeding the
    age of 45 yrs.
  2. Preference will be given to SGTs, those who worked as MLOs/MRPs and
    members of SRGs/DRGs.
  3. Preference will be given to those who are willing to travel extensively 3 – 4
    mandals during night and day times by touring 20 days in a month. F.T.A.
    will be given as per FTA rules.
  4. Preference will be given to SGTs who have skills in mass communication/
    cultural activities/ kalajathas by producing certified evidences issued by the
    State/ District/ Mandal level authorities.
  5. Oral interview by the District Selection Committee. 
Click here to Download GO Rt 9 Guidelines for Recruitment of Supervisors in Adult Education Dept of AP