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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sri Venkateshwara Vedic University,recruitment notification 2016

svvedic university Tirupathi|SRI VENKATESWARA VEDIC  UNIVERSITY recruitment notification|RECRUITMENT  NOTIFICATION  2016 of svvedic university|recruitment of Adhyapaka and Care Taker Posts in Veda Adarsha Gurukulam
sri-venkateshwara-vedic-university-recruitment-notification-2016svvedic university Tirupathi|SRI VENKATESWARA VEDIC  UNIVERSITY recruitment notification|RECRUITMENT  NOTIFICATION  – 2016 of svvedic university|recruitment of Adhyapaka and Care Taker Posts in Veda Adarsha Gurukulam


Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for certain Adhyapaka and Care Taker Posts in Veda Adarsha Gurukulam.

·         Application FORM II for Adhyapaka posts and Care Taker  post
can     be     downloaded    from    the     University      website:
·         Six sets of filled in applications along with copies of certificates of educational qualifications, experience, Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only)                         favouring            THE            REGISTRAR,               SRI VENKATESWARA VEDIC UNIVERSITY, TIRUPATI drawn on State Bank of India/Andhra Bank towards registration fee, etc. to be submitted on or before 5.00 p.m.15.02.2016:

Name of the Post
No. of Posts
Scale of Pay APRPS 2015
Adhyapakas in Krishnayajurveda for Veda Adarsha  Gurukulam
Care Taker (Chaatra Samrakshaka) for Veda Adarsha Gurukulam


I.   Adhyapakas       in     Krishna      Yajurveda      (Taittariya     Sakha)      for     Veda     Adarsha Gurukulam:

Kramantham in Krishyayajurveda under Adhyayana system from a reputed Veda Patasala/  Veda Sabha. Application Form No.II (be submitted in six    sets)

II.   Care Taker (Chaatra Samrakshaka) for Veda Adarsha   Gurukulam:

With sadachara sampradaya, clean habits, at least +2 education and with high dedication to take special care of the children joining the Veda Adarsha Gurukulam at a tender  age.

 Click here for detailed notification