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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A. P.G.O.Ms.No.9 Extension of time period for completion of NationalPopulation Register upto 30th January 2016

G.O.Ms.No.9|National Population Register|NPR|Updating of NPR and seeding of Aadhar in the NPR database|Extension of time period  for completion of house to house enumaration work under NPE up to 30th January|seeding of Aadhar and updating of NPR in the NPR database|house to house enumaration work under NPE time period extended

G.O.Ms.No.9|National Population Register|NPR|Updating of NPR and seeding of Aadhar in the NPR database|Extension of time period  for completion of house to house enumaration work under NPE up to 30th January|seeding of Aadhar and updating of NPR in the NPR database|house to house enumaration work under NPE time period extended gomsno9-extension-of-time-period-for-completion-of-National-population-register-upto-30th-january-2016ORDER:

The following Notification shall be published in the extra-ordinary Issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette for information of the Public:-


In the reference 4th and 7th read above, Government have issued orders for conduct of NPR field work through house to house enumeration in the State from 23-10-2015 to 31-12-2015, after detailed consultations with the District Collectors and other district level officers. Further the State Government has appointed various levels of Registrars of Citizen Registration as per the Citizenship Act, 1955 and Citizenship Rules, 2003.

2.                                                  In the reference 8th read above, the Joint Director, Directorate of Census Operations, A.P. and Telangana, Hyderabad, has stated that the field work in all 13 districts is under progress and likely to take more time i.e., beyond 31.12.2015 and requested re-notify the extended time period in the extra ordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh as required by rules.

3.                                   In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 18 of the Citizenship Act, 1955, read with Rules 2 & 5 of the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003, and keeping in view of the Notifications referred above, the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby extend the time period for completion of house to house enumeration work for updation of National Population Register and seeding of Aadhaar in the NPR Data base, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, upto 30th January,  2016.