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Monday, January 18, 2016

AP Rc 25 Work Adjustment Guidlines issued for 3696 surplus SGT posts in Andhra Pradesh

RC 25.Dt.1.1.16 Work Adjustment of 3696 surplus SGT teachers in Andhra Pradesh Guidlines issued for work adjustment in AP for 3696 surplus SGTs . Orders Issused to DEOs
 Sub:-    School Education  -  Rationalization    I Transfers,  2015 - Headmasters  and Teachers  - Work Adjustment of Surplus  Teachers-    Instructions  issued - Reg.
 1.  G.0.Ms.No.63   Edn.,  (Ser.II)  Department,   Dated:31.08.2015.
2. G.O.Ms.No.66   Edn., (Ser.II}   Department,   Dated:02.09.2015.
3. CSE Procs.  Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015,     Dated:03.09.2015,  09.09.2015  and 10.09.2015
4. Video conference  held on 11.09.2015    and  12.09.2015.
5. CSE Proc.Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015,      Dated:12.09.2015,    16.09.2015,   22.09.2015  and 26-10-2015
6. CSE Pro.RC  No. 25/Estt-111/2015    dated:  02-12-2015.
7. CSE  Pro.RC  No. 25/Estt-111/2015  dated:l?-12-2015.
8. G.0.Ms.No.82 School  Education   (Prog.11)  Department,  Dated:29.10.2015.
RC 25.Dt.1.1.16 Work Adjustment of 3696 surplus SGT teachers in Andhra Pradesh Guidlines issued for work adjustment in AP for 3696 surplus SGTs . Orders Issused to DEOs
Accordingly rationalization exercise was under taken in Primary Schools. Transfers of teachers in all categories of schools i.e. Primary Schools, Upper Primary and High Schools were taken up. For transfer exercise all vacancies were opened irrespective of need in view of the ensure work adjustment subsequent to transfer affecting. Consequently teachers were transferred and are working in locations where there is no need or justification. As per the information submitted by the District Educational Officers, the district wise status of surplus Teachers (SGTs & SAs) based on working strength and requirement of Teachers in the respective category of schools is provided in the annexure. As such there are totally 9674 surplus teachers including 3696 and 6078 in the category of SGT and SA respectively.
In view of the above, and in partial modification of orders issued earlier, all the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to take up the work adjustment of 3696 surplus SGTs teachers working in Primary Schools duly constituting a Committee at District Level. The Committee may be comprised of District Educational Officer as a Chairman, Deputy Educational Officer (Concerned Division) as a Member and Mandal Educational Officer (Concerned Mandal) as a Member.