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Friday, November 13, 2015

TS Retirement Gratuity Enhanced to 12 lakhs

TS GO.99 Maximum Limit of Retirement Gratuity Enhanced to 12 lakhs

GO.Ms.No.99, Dated: 21-07-2015; GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA, FINANCE (PENSION-I) DEPARTMENT, PENSIONS - Enhancement of maximum limit of Retirement Gratuity from Rs.8,00,000/- to Rs.12,00,000/-, Orders - Issued.
1.G.O.Ms.No.249 Finance (Pen-1) Department, dated 04.10.2005
2.G.O.Ms.No.101 Finance (Pen-1) Department, dated 06.04.2010
3.G.O.Ms.No.51 Finance (Pen-1) Department, dated 01.04.2011
4.G.O.Ms.No.95 G.A. (Spl.A) Department, dated.28.02.2013.
5. G.O.Ms.No.25 Finance (HRM.IV) Dept., dated:18.03.2015

ORDER: In the Government Order 4th read above, orders were issued constituting Tenth Pay Revision Commission appointing Sri Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, IAS (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner laying down the terms of reference of the Commission.

2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Government on 29.05.2014 and recommended, inter-alia, to the effect that:
The maximum limit of the Retirement Gratuity be raised from Rs.8,00,000/- (Rupees Eight Lakhs only) to Rs.12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve Lakhs only)

3. After careful consideration of the Report, Government decided to accept the recommendations of the Pay Revision Commissioner and hereby order that:

i) The maximum limit of Retirement Gratuity ordered in G.O .Ms No. 51 Finance (Pen.I) Department dated 01.04.2011 be raised from Rs. 8,00,000/- (Rupees Eight lakhs only) to Rs.12,00,000/-(Rupees Twelve Lakhs only).

ii) The formula for calculation of Retirement Gratuity shall be followed as ordered in para 3 of G.O.Ms.No.14 Finance & Planning (FW: Pen.I) Department, dated 30.1.1999.

iii) As regards the arrears on account of revision of Gratuity from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015, orders will be issued separately.
 The revised gratuity shall be paid in cash from the month of March onwards.

4. These orders shall come into force with effect from 02.06.2014 and shall apply to all Government Servants including the retired University/ Government/ Aided College Teachers who are drawing the UGC pay Scales in the state and to all Non-Government service Pensioners whose service Pension is being charged to 2071 Pension and Other Retirement benefits who retired or whose death took place on or after this date.

5. Necessary amendments to Rule 46 of the Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules 1980, will be issued separately. TS GO.99 Maximum Limit of Retirement Gratuity Enhanced to 12 lakhs