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Saturday, November 14, 2015

TS Best Swachh Patashala Awards 2015

 TS Best Swachh Patashala Awards 2015

Best Swachh Patashala Awards 2015 to TS Schools: SSA Telangana, SPD has given instructions to all the Education Department Officials to form A Committee at School Complex Level, Mandal Level, District Level and State Levels for Selecting the Best "Swachh Patashal" School for Awarding Best Swachh Patashala Award to that selected Telangana/TS School and a Prize Money have been given to the School and Certain Instructions have been issued for form committee at School Complex, Mandal, Distirct and State levels by SSA Telangana.
Proceedings Rc.No.2315; Dated:12-11-2015:-Rc No 2315 SSA Telangana, Hyderabad | Best Swachh Patashala Awards in Telangana at various levels | Rc 2315 Formation of committees at various levels to select Best Swachh Patashala Awards at School Complex, Mandal, District and State levels in Telangana State | Instructions to form committee at School Complex, Mandal, Distirct and State levels by SSA Telangana Vide Rc 2315 Dt 12.11.2015.

Awards Details:

Prize Money Details
  1. Mandal level First Prize- Rs.1500/- Second Prize- Rs.1000/-
  2. District level First Prize- Rs.2,000/- Second Prize- Rs.1,500/-
  3. State level First Prize- Rs.5,000/-/- Second Prize- Rs.3,000/- and  Third Prize Rs.2,000/-
  4. Click here to Download Rc 2315 for Complete details