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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Telangana School Education announced

Telangana School Education announced TS SSC March 2016 Examination Fee Last date 16-11-2015 . TS School Education Secretary Instruction to Head Masters to Prepare ,online registration and Ppeparation ofOMR cum ICR Scheets fillup Guidelines . TS 10th Class Notification of  SSC / OSSC / VOCATIONAL Public Examinations at official website , March,2016 fee Particulars The following are the due dates for remittance of Examination fee for Regular / Private Once failed Candidates for the SSC Public Examinations to be held in March, 2016

TS SSC Exams Head of Account Fee Payments

  1. 0202 - Education, Sports, Arts & Culture. 
  2. 01 - General Education 
  3. 102- Secondary Education 
  4. 06 - Director, Government Examinations
  5. * TS 10th Class Exams Fee Particulars Download