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Monday, November 16, 2015

Teachers Leave Saction Powers & Guidelines

GO 70, Dt. 6-7-2009 - Teachers Leave Saction Powers of HMs, MEO's, Dy.EOs Guidelines 


Head Master of Primary and Upper Primary Schools :
The Head Master of Primary and Upper Primary Schools shall have the authority to grant Casual leave / Special Casual Leave only (Special Casual Leave when permitted by the Government) to the teachers of Primary and Upper Primary Schools.

Head Master of High School :
The Head Master of High Schools shall have authority to grant Casual leave/ Special Casual Leave (Special Casual Leave when permitterd by the Government) and also other types of leave (Earned Leave/ Half-Pay Leave/ Commuted Leave/ Maternity Leave and Extraordinary Leave) upto 4 months to the teachers working in their respective High Schools, subject to the condition that the teachers report back to the same school from where they went on leave and continue to work there.

Mandal Educational Officer :
The Mandal Educational Officer shall have the authority to grant Casual leave /Special Casual Leave (SpecialCasual Leave when permitted by the Government) and also other types of leave up to 4 months to the Head Masters and other teachers report back to the same school from where they went on leave and continue to work there.

Deputy Educational Officer :
The Deputy educational Officer shall have the authority to grant Casual Leave/ Special Casual leave (SpeciaslCasual Leave when permitted by the Government) to Head Master of High Schools, and also other types of leave formore than 4 months and upto 6 months to Head Masters and Teachers of Primary Schools, Upper Primary Schools, and High Schools, subject to the condition that the Head Masters and Teachers report back to the same school from where they went on leave and continue to work there.
District Educational Officer :
The District Educational Officer shall have the authority to grant Casual leave/ Special Casual leave (SpecialCasual Leave when permitted by the Government) and any types of leave to Deputy Educational Officers andMandal Educational Officers upto 1 year and to the Head Masters and Teachers of HIgh Schools, Upper Primary Schools, Primary Schools for more than 6 months and upto 1 years, subject to the condition that the Head Masters and Teachers report back to the same school from where they went on leave and continue to work there.

Director of School Education, A.P.:
The Director of School Education, Hyderabad shall have the authority to grant Leave of any kind of leave upto 4 years for High Schools Head Masters (including Mandal Educational Officers), Head Masters and Teachers Primary, Upper Primary Schools and Teachers of High Schools, Upper Primary Schools and Primary Schools,subject to the condition that the Head Masters/ Mandal Educational Officer and Teachers report back to the sameschool from which applied leave if vacancy is there other wise should be posted any other School in same Mandalor nearest Mandal.