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Friday, November 13, 2015

Monitoring Teams will Observe These Things

Proc 435 SCERT School Monitoring on CCE Implementation in Telangana

SCERT Telangana | Proc 435 School Monitorings by SCERT Telangana | Education Policy and CCE Implementation in Schools | Proc No 435 Monitoring of Schools by SCERT Telangana on CCE Implementation and Teaching Learning Process in All Schools from 1st to 10th Classes

Monitoring Teams will Observe These Things
  1. Implementation of CCE from I-X Classes
  2. Conduct of FA and awarding Marks
  3. Conduct of SA and method of Evaluation
  4. Teaching learning Process and utilisation of Text Books
  5. Academic Calendar
  6. Teachers preparations and using TLM
  7. Utilisation of TLM available in Schools
  8. Click here to Download Rc 435 Dt 10.11.2015