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Thursday, November 19, 2015

HMs on School Academic Matters and School Leadership Training in Telangana

Rc.419-Training to HMs on School Academic Matters and School Leadership

Training to HMs on School Academic Matters and School LeadershipSCERT Telangan has Prepared  5-day Orientation Programme for Headmasters and SCERT is planned planned to conduct in all the Districts at Divisional Level in two spells on academic aspects and school leadership. Proceedings Of The Director Of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, Rc. No. 419/D/C&T/TSCERT/2015, Dated: 18.11.2015, Subject: SCERT, Telangana, Hyderabad - Orientation to the Headmasters on school academic matters and school leadership in two spells i.e. Spell-I from 20-11-2015 to 24-11-2015, Spell-II from 26-11-2015 to 30-11-2015- Drafting the State Level Observers to the Districts - Orders issued - Reg.

All the DEOs and Principals of DIETs and IASE are hereby informed that 5-day orientation to the Headmasters is planned to conduct in all the Districts at Divisional Level in two spells on academic aspects and school leadership etc.

The orientation is to all the Headmasters working in High Schools i.e. Government, Zilla Parishad, Aided Management, Model Schools, KGBVs, all types of Residential Schools under the management of School Education, Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, Minority Welfare etc.

In this connection, State Level Observers are drafted to the Districts to observer the training programmes. The observers attend the planning meeting also on 19th November, 2015 followed by trainings. Following are the Observers drafted to the Districts.

District Name of the supervisors
DistrictName of the supervisors
    MahabubnagarMr.     Venugopal     Reddy,     Ex.     Tribal     Coordinator,     SSA     & Retd. Principal, Gurukulum, Hyderabad. P.  Rathangapani  Reddy,  SA,  ZPHS,  Polkampally,   Mahabubnagar. 9705806581
Ranga ReddyE.D. Madhusudhan Reddy, SA, ZPHS, Kosgi, Mahabubnagar.
HyderabadK. Rajender Reddy, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. 7702204826
  MedakK. Sreedharacharyulu, SA, ZPHS, Narsingi, Medak. 9951206878 Dr. P. Jani Reddy, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad.
NizamabadSanjeev Kumar, SA, ZPHS, Abhangapatnam, Nizamabad. 9848578004
AdilabadK. Janardhan, SA, ZPHS, Manchiryal, Adialabad. 8978047067
KarimnagarS. Vinayak, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad. 9618676215
  WarangalK. Ramesh Rao, SA, GHS, Saptagiri Colony, Karimnagar. 9948545758 K. Ravikanth Rao, Lecturer, Model Schools, TS, Hyderabad.
KhammamMr. Mallikharjuna Sarma, HM, Khammam. 9949512252
  NalgondaG. Raghava Reddy, Retd. Lecturer, DIET, Nalgonda. Y. Venkat Reddy, SA, ZPHS, Chivvemla, Nalgonda. 9441252663

The TA, DA and honorarium to the Observers shall be provided by the Principals from the budget provided to them. They are requested to observe the timings of the training; following of the timetable; quality of the training programme; attendance of the participants, RPs and Course Director; supply of note book, pen, Module; course end evaluation; appraisal of the RPs by the participants etc. of the programme and submit day-wise report to the Director of School Education. If any lapses, they are requested to inform Director, SCERT/ Dr. N. Upender Reddy, Consultant, O/o C&DSE, Telangana on the same day. Separate sections i.e. @ about 50 candidates per section. Sections shall not be clubbed.
Training to HMs on School Academic Matters and School Leadership