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Monday, November 16, 2015

DA 12.052% Table and Salary Calculator

New PRC 2015  DA 12.052% Table and Salary Calculator ( Software ) with Differant HRA 12% - 14.5% - 20%  - 30% Gross Amount 

New DA Table DA  Rate 0.524% to AP TELANGANA Teachers and Employees for Every Six Months Once for One Percentage of  Dearness Allownce ( DA ) Sanctioned to the Employees of the Govt. of India.
Example : Central Government Sanctioned 10% DA , Our State Governments ( AP /TS ) Anounced 5.24%

Monthly Salary Software ( Calculator ) with DA and HRA 

AP Telangana Employees ( Teachers ) get Every Month Salary New PRC 2015, DA rate : 0.524% and HRA - 12% , 14.5% , 20% and 30% 

Example : Basic Pay + DA +HRA = Gross Amount