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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CCRT Training Programmes/Workshops for In-Service Teachers and Schedule

CCRT Training Programmes/Workshops for In-Service Teachers and Schedule

Orientation Course on "An Integrated Approach to Education": CCRT Training Programmes/Workshops/Orientation Course for In-Service Teachers, Programme Schedule, Duration of the Orientation Courses,Venue, Guidelines for Deputation of Teachers, CCRTs Norms. Proceedings of the Director, SCERT.,TS., Hyderabad, Rc.No.77/ A/TSCERT/2015, Dated :09/11/2015, Subject: School Education - Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi - training Programmes/ workshops for in-service teachers to help them to achieve integrated approach to the education - Programme schedule for 2015-2016 - Communicated by the C&DSE, TS - Instructions issued to depute teachers for Orientation Course - Reg.

Reference: Letter No.CCRT/13012/1/2014/10668 Dated: 07.10.2015 of the Deputy Director, Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, New Delhi.
While communicating the copy of the reference 1st read above, the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to depute one eligible teacher of the district concerned duly following the norms stipulated by the C.C.R.T. for the Orientation Course at C.C.R.T. in the uniform manner, under intimation to this office. Further the DEOs concerned are also requested to furnish one name of reserved candidate/teacher to take further course of action. Action should be taken accordingly.

Letter of Deputy Director, Centre for Cultural Resources and Training:
As you are aware the Centre for Cultural Resources and Training (CCRT), New Delhi, an educational institution under the administrative control of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, organizes a variety of training programmes for all levels of personnel engaged in the service of education. The CCRT trains 5000 to 6000 in-service teachers every year in the field of Linking Education with Culture. At present the CCRT is organizing a Refresher Course on 'An Integrated Approach to Education' from November 16-21, 2015.

For participation in the course, please bring and be prepared for the following:
1. Pay Certificate from the School/Institution
2. Relieving Certificate from the School/Institution
3. Entitled Class onward and outward shortest route journey tickets
4. A prepared Lesson Plan (with cultural component) on any of the topic of the subject being taught by you.

Please fill up the attached Acknowledgement Form and post it immediately. If no intimation is received by November 05, 2015, with regard to your participation in the refresher course, we will presume that you are not interested to attend the Course.

Please refer to our letter of even no. dated September 7, 2015 regarding deputation of Ten (10) teachers from middle/secondary/senior secondary schools of your State/UT, teaching Class VIII and above and upto 52 years of age, for participation in the Orientation Courses to be organized by CCRT as per following details:
SI. No.Duration of the Orientation CoursesOrientation Courses' VenueNumber of Teachers to be Deputed
1.November 17 to December 08, 2015CCRT Regional Centre, Opp. CH (Confederation of Indian Industry), Near Google Office, Madhapur to Kondapur Main Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500084, Andhra Pradesh (Telephone No. 040-23117050, Tele/Fax No. 040-23111918, e-mail:
2.December 3-24, 2015CCRT Headquarters, Plot No. 15-A, Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075. (Telephone No. 011-25309300/ Extn. 323/325, Fax No. 011-25088637,e-mail:
3.December 8-31, 2015Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Panjabari, Guwahati — 781037, Assam. (Telephone No. 0361-2130020, 2130021, Fax No.:0361-2335316, e-mail:;

may I request you once again to expedite the action for getting 10 (Ten) teachers deputed for tile above mentioned Orientation Courses. As you are aware the CCRT organizes teachers training programmes throughout the year and sometimes in the absence of timely information of exact number of teachers, it becomes inconvenient to make proper boarding and lodging arrangements at the venue of the programme. It is therefore requested that a list of deputed teachers may please be sent to the Centre at the earliest possible through Fax No. 011-25088637/e-mail:
You are also requested to issue orders to deputed teachers to report directly at the concerned venue at 10.00 AM on the first day of the Orientation Courses mentioned above.

For deputation of teachers, the following are the strict guidelines: 

  1.  Teachers should be upto 52 years of age at the time of registration (Birth Certificate should be produced).
  2.  Teachers of middle/secondary/senior secondary schools should only be deputed. 
  3.  Teachers must be teaching in minimum any one of the following Classes 8th/0/10th/11th/12th.
  4.  She/he should be teaching any of the subjects like i) Social Studies (History, Geography, Economics, Commerce, Civics, Sociology etc.); ii) Languages (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Modern Indian Languages); iii) Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.); iv) Mathematics; v) Fine Arts, Music & Art;
  5. Deputation of female teachers may be encouraged.
  6. The deputed teachers should have minimum two years' experience of teaching.
  7. Only one teacher from one school should be deputed. In any circumstances, not more than one teacher from the same school will be allowed to participate.

Important: Kindly Note that following teachers must not be deputed:
  1. Primary school teachers should not be deputed.
  2. Teachers on contract/ad-hoc/temporary, must not be deputed. Only the regular teachers should be deputed.
  3. Teachers who have already attended CCRT's Orientation Course, either at Delhi or anywhere else, must not be deputed again. All such already O.C. trained teachers will be sent back immediately without registration and payment ofT.A./D.A.
  4. Teachers teaching Yoga, SUPW, Physical Education and Librarians should not be deputed. Specially challenged teachers (Visually Challenged) should also not be deputed.
  5. Headmasters/Principals/Inspector of Schools must not be deputed.
  6. Separate stay arrangements are made for the female teachers in the CCRT Hostel. Your kind attention is solicited
  7. lt has been decided that while getting teachers deputed from your State, if the norms and conditions mentioned above are not adhered to, the deputed teachers will neither be registered nor paid TA/DA for reporting and they will be sent back immediately. This is being done to avoid any censures from the Auditors.

The deputation orders issued by you, adhering to CCRT's norms, will be treated as the final orders and no further orders for the deputed teachers hereafter will be issued by this Centre. I take this opportunity to thank you for the keen interest you are taking in the activities of the Centre and look forward to your support for getting the teachers deputed as per CCRT norms.
CCRT Training Programmes/Workshops for In-Service Teachers and Schedule