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Monday, November 16, 2015

Subject wise question papers WG

Basement question Papers class wise Subject wise 1st – 9th Classes

West Godavari District DEO Conduct Special Programme in Pramary , UP and High Schools . 1st Calls to 9th Csall students Study through BASEMENT test . Every School conduct BASEMENT test  1st to 9 th classes Every month. 1st Class , 2nd Class , 3rd Class , 4th Class , 5thClass , 6th Class , 7th Class , 8th Class , 9th Class . Telugu , English , Maths , Science  and Social subjects. Acadamic year 2015-16.

West Godavari District Baseline Question Papers class wise | Subject wise 

A new Innovative Program designed by DEO West Godavari  named " BASEMENT “  following are the Question Papers for monthly test will be conducted on 17th of this month.

Month of November 2015 BASEMENT  question Papers Download below link

* Telugu 2-9 Classes  Download
* English 1-5 Classes Download

* English 6-9 Classes Download
* Maths  1-2 Classes  Download
* Parisarala Vignanam  1-9 Classes  Download 
* General Science 1-9 Classes  Download
* Social Studies 1-9 Classes  Download