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Friday, November 20, 2015

APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Results and Hall Tickets

APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Results and Hall Tickets

APPSC Departmental Tests Results, Hall Tickets, APPSC Departmental Tests 2015 Results,November/ May Session Notification Results,EOT,GOT and Special Language Exams 2015 Results,APPSC Departmental Tests Notification wise Results, Hall Ticket Details,APPSC Departmental Tests List of Successful Candidates, APPSC Departmental Tests View Hall Ticket Details, APPSC Departmental Tests Notification wise Results and View Hall Tickets Details.

APPSC Departmental Tests Notification wise Results and View Hall Ticket Details

-  APPSC Departmental Tests Notification wise Results
-  APPSC Departmental Tests Notification wise View Hall Ticket Details
-  APPSC Departmental Test Notification wise List Of Successful Candidates( Results in U.S Format)

We know that Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission will conduct the Department tests every year with objective type and few tests are written exams as per its own schedule from time to time. APPSC Departmental Tests May 2015 session i.e Notification no.04/2015, which was issued on 23rd of May, 2015  for the AP state employees and candidates. The APPSC department officials invited the online applications from the eligible candidates from 27-05-2015 to 30-06-2015. The candidates who were applied for this stream, they were attended the departmental tests May 2015 session which were held from 06/08/2015 to 11/08/2015 as per notification time table in 6 days in the 13 districts Head Quarters of state of Andhra Pradesh including Hyderabad and the apeared candidates can check their results.

 Help Desk:In case of any doubt/ clarification or difficulty in downloading the Hall Tickets, the candidates may contact the officials at the telephone numbers given below against each.
1. APPSC Help Desk : 040-23557455
2. Secretary (FAC) : 040-24744232
3. Assistant Secretary : 8498098244
4. Section Officer : 8498098280

1. Please type the Reference ID or Name or Date Of Birth to check your results.
2. Please use the PRINT button provided on Results to get all the pages printed without distortion.

#APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Hall Tickets New

APPSC Departmental Tests 2015 Hall Tickets, Results
Notification No. 04/2015 , DEPARTMENTAL TESTS MAY, 2015 SESSION Results View HallTicket Details--
Notification No. 03/2015 , Departmental Tests NOV - 2014 Session Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 05/2014 , Departmental Tests May - 2014 Session Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 09/2013 , Departmental Test November 2013 Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 03/2013 , Departmental Test May 2013 Session Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 20/2012 , DEPARTMENTAL TESTS November 2012 SESSION Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 10/2012 , DEPARTMENTAL TESTS - MAY 2012 Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 16/2011 , DEPARTMENTAL TESTS NOVEMBER 2011 SESSION (MAY 2011 SESSION CLUBBED) Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 11/2011 , Departmental Tests NOVEMBER 2010 Results View HallTicket DetailsResults in U.S. Format
Notification No. 19/2010 , Departmental Tests MAY 2010 [Date : 18/10/2010] Results View HallTicket Details--
Notification No. 02/2010 , DEPARTMENTAL TESTS NOVEMBER 2009 Results View HallTicket Details--