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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

AP TS Teachers Half Leave Software new PRC 2015 HPL Rules Sanction Powers - Useful to All Employees

AP TS Teachers Half Leave Software new PRC 2015 HPL Rules Sanction Powers - Useful to All Employees

Half Pay Leave all regular Government servants –20 days for each completed year of service.Credit of H.P.L. is allowed for duty, leave and E.O.L.Grant of H.P.L. either on Medical Certificate or on Private affairsHalf pay leave GOs  and Leave Sanction Powers Information
    No limit for saction of HPL.RULE11.Up to 4 months Pay D.A. full allowances half to be drawn.
 H.P.L on full pay up to 6 months can be granted to regular Government servants suffering from Leprosy/ Heart diseases/ Tuberculosis/ Cancer/ Mental illness and Renalfailure(Kidney).

  1. G.O.Ms.No 386 dt:6-9-76 READWITH (G.O.Ms.No.268 Fin & Plg (FWFR-I) Department,dated 28-10-1991.
  2. As per G.O.Ms.No.29 Fin & Plg. (FWFR-I)Department, dated 9-3-2011extended up to 8 months for the above diseases.
  3. As per circular Memo No.14568-A/63/PCI/A2/2010 dated.31-01-2011 up to 6 months Half pay and half DA allowances full. 
  4.  Half Pay Leave Software as per PRC 2015 Download