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Monday, November 9, 2015

AP TS Direct Recruitment 2% Reservation to Sports Persons in

AP TS Direct Recruitment 2% Reservation to Sports Persons in 

2% Reservation to Sports Persons in AP TS Direct Recruitment in All Departments: GO.74 Two percent(2%) Reservations to Sports Persons in Direct Recruitment in Govt Departments /Undertakings/ grant-in-aid Institutions at all levels-Instructions & guidelines,Government Of Andhra Pradesh,G.O.Ms.No.74 Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture (Sports) Dept, Dated:09-08-2012

YOUTH SERVICES & SPORTS - Sports Policy – Incentives to Sports persons - Extension of Sports reservations to two percent (2%) to meritorious sports persons in direct recruitment in Government Departments/ Undertakings/grant-in-aid Institutions at all levels - Instructions & guidelines - Notification - Orders - Issued.

1) G.O.Ms.No.84, YAT&C (Sports) Department, Dated:04-05-2000.
2) From the VC&MD, SAAP, Lr.No.609/H3/2004-05/SAAP, Dated:07-09-2004.
3) From the VC&MD, SAAP, Lr.No.609/H3/2006, Dated:20-7-2006.
4) From the VC&MD, SAAP, Lr.No.SAAP/A&SS/5310/2008, Dated:04-11-2008.
5) Govt. Letter No.74798/S1/2004, YAT&C(S) Department, Dated:3-8-2012 addressed to Secretary, APPSC, Nampally, Hyderabad.
6) From the Secretary, APPSC, Lr.No.1561/RR/2012, Dated:08-08-2012.

1. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government have declared Sports Policy for better performance of the sportspersons in the field of sports. It was ordered therein to extend sports reservation to two percent (2%) in future direct recruitments in all Government Departments, among other incentives. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has submitted proposals in the references 2nd, 3rd & 4th read above accordingly.

2. The Government in consonance with the said sports policy hereby direct that the recruitments at all levels will have a sports quota reservation of two percent (2%) for meritorious sports persons in all posts of State Government Departments, Educational Institutions, Local Bodies, Corporations, Boards, Authorities, Grandhalaya Samsthas, Market Committees and other establishments which are funded or aided by the State Government where direct recruitment is one of the methods of appointment, hereinafter. 

The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette:


In pursuance of the Sports Policy declared in G.O.Ms.No.84, Youth Advancement Tourism and Culture (Sports) Department, dated:04-05-2000, wherein orders were issued extending two percent (2%) Sports reservation in future direct recruitment in Government at all levels, the following guidelines are issued for governing such appointments:

(i)The reservation for recruitment under sports quota shall apply to all the Government undertakings/grant-in-aid Institutions and other Government Institutions.

(ii) The performance of the individual in having obtained Medals/ participation in disciplines for deciding a meritorious sportsperson, against two percent (2%) sports quota as mentioned in Annexure-II to this order, shall be the criterion, keeping in view the participation in recognized sports disciplines as per Annexure-I to this order, or as may be revised by the Government from time to time.

(iii)The candidates shall necessarily possess the requisite academic and Technical qualifications if any, as prescribed in the rules governing the posts.

(iv) The persons who possess the requisite qualifications have to pass the eligibility test for appointment.

(v) The recruiting agencies will notify the minimum pass mark for such exams under sports quota.

(vi) The age limit for appointment is as per Rule 12 of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 or as prescribed in the Special Rules governing the posts, shall be followed. Certain flexibility of upper age limit or relaxation power shall be considered in most deserving cases, subject to approval of the Government.

(vii) Date of Birth shall be tallied proportionately to the category of age group vis-a-vis the concerned sport. The date of birth certificate issued by the relevant “Board” (SSC Board/CBSE Board/ICSE Board etc), if the Board awards the certificate and the competent authority of the “School” shall issue where Board does not conduct exam / issue certificate, shall only be entertained as proof of age and not the certificate given by any Sports Association or any other body.

(viii)Any discrepancy found later in the date of birth certificate submitted by the candidate and as approved by the Sports Association, will attract severe action against the Sports Association that has issued the sports merit certificate. The Sports Association and Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh shall jointly verify the documents related to date of birth of a candidate.

(ix) In the quota of two percent (2%) set apart for sports reservation for meritorious sports persons, individual events have to be given preference over team events within a priority.

(x) Participation at higher level shall be considered only when it is supported by winning medals at the lower level.

(xi) The candidate appointed under sports quota must represent the department in which he is appointed for atleast 5 years from the time of appointment.

(xii) The appointing authorities shall call for applications by publishing in leading news papers in English/Telugu/Urdu languages from meritorious sportspersons along with the certificates in Form-I, Form-II, Form-III and Form-IV as the case may be, vide Annexure-III enclosed to this notification and shall submit the same to the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh.

After scrutiny by the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh, like genuineness of the certificates, verifying medals/ranks etc., the applications will be forwarded to a Committee at Government level in Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Sports) Department and the said Committee shall finalise the proposals. The said Committee shall issue eligibility certificate for appointment under Sports quota.

(xiii) The recommendation of the Committee for issuing eligibility certificate shall be final. The Committee shall consist of the following members :-

(1) Prl. Secy., / Secy., Youth Services & Sports - Chairman/ Chairperson

(2) Prl. Secy., / Secy., Home Department - Member

(3) Prl. Secy., / Secy.,Gen.Admin(Ser)Dept - Member

(4) Vice Chairman & Managing Director,
Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh - Convenor

A representative from the Andhra Pradesh Olympic Association and an eminent sports person of the concerned sports discipline may be invited as special invitees for their advice as and when required by the Committee.

(xiv) The eligibility certificate issued by the Committee shall be forwarded to the Recruiting Agency / Appointing Authority for appointment under sports quota in various categories of posts in different Departments on the basis of Merit-Cum-Sports Eligibility Certificate against the notifications issued by them.

(xv) Eligibility Certificates issued by the Committee shall be valid for the notification issued by Recruiting Agency / Appointing Authority, which shall be mentioned in the certificate.

(xvi) The format of application shall be communicated by the Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh to all Secretariat Departments/Heads of Departments / All Collectors / Public Sector / Quasi Government undertakings concerned.

(xvii) In the existing 100 roster points as per rule 22(2)(e) of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, 48th and 98th point may be earmarked for reservation under Sports Quota.

(xviii) For certain category of posts which are out side the purview of the APPSC, the appointments are to be made through Selection Committees in accordance to Clause (b) of Section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh (Regulation of Appointments to Public Services and Rationalization of Staff Pattern and Pay Structure), Act, 1994 (Act 2/1994).

3. The General Administration (Ser-D) Department are requested to issue suitable amendments to the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1996 and necessary amendments to the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Regulations, 1963 so as to constitute a Selection Committee in accordance with Clause (b) of section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh (Regulation of Appointments to Public services and Rationalisation of Staff Pattern and Pay Structure) Act, 1994 (Act 2 of 1994). The GA (Ser-D) Department shall issue suitable amendments to Rule 22 of the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Rules 1996 accordingly. They shall also instruct all the Heads of Departments to amend Special rules in tune with the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, after so amended, and shall pursue follow up action in the matter.

4. All the appointing authorities in the State are, therefore, requested to follow the instructions/ guidelines as stated above in future direct recruitment for appointing meritorious sportspersons under two percent (2%) sports quota. The earlier orders on Sports Reservation issued by General Administration Department will automatically stand cancelled after the amendments to the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 are made.

5. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission have conveyed their concurrence to the above guidelines in their letter 6th read above.

6. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (PC.III) Department vide their U.O.22050-B/309/A1/PC-III/2012, dated:08-08-2012.

G.O.Ms.No.742% Reservation to Sports Persons in AP TS Direct Recruitment in All Departments