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Friday, November 6, 2015

AP LPCET 2015 Provisional Admission Letter

Download the Provisional Admission Letter of AP LPCET 2015

AP LPCET 2015 - Download Provisional Admission Letter : The Andhra Pradesh Language Pandit Common Entrance Test (AP LPCET) 2015 Exams were Conducted by the Director of School Education, Hyderabad. This LPCET 2015 Exams held in the month of 13th September, 2015. The LPCET 2015 Results were released by the Director of School Education Officials in the month of October, 2015. We have known this Entrance Test for admission into Telugu, Hindi, rdu Pandit Training one year course in Govt. and Private Training Colleges.

The LPCET2015 Admission Schedule was released by the the DSE AP, So, the Board issued the Procedure for Submission of Preferences through web based Selection form for Admission into LPT Courses.  The web based selection is being made in two spells. The First spell was completed in the last week of October, 2015. The Candidates also Submitted their preferences at So, First spell of web based selection of colleges process was completed.

The LPCET 2015 Allotment of seat and Provisional Admission Letters will be released by the Board in this week. The Provisional Admission Letters will be uploaded on their official website by the DSE Officials. So, Candidates can download their Provisional Admission Letters from the given following link

They are Provisionally selected for admission to any of the colleges they will be attend to Verification of Certificates at the District Institute of Educational and Training(DIET) of the district. Final Admission Letter will be issued after Verification of Certificates at the DIET of the district concerned on dates given on the Provisional Admission Letter.Procedure for admissions through second spell of Web Based Selection for admission into seats left over after first spell admissions may be downloaded from the Official website.

AP LPCET 2015 Provisional Admission Letter

Important Dates
1. Download of Provisional Admission Letter (First Spell) : First week of November 2015
2. Verification of Certificates of First spell Admissions at DIETs : First week of November 2015
3. Second Spell of web based Selection of Colleges: Seats Left over after first Spell Admissions
4. Download of Provisional Admission Letter (Second Spell) : After giving II Spell Web Options
5. Verification of certificates of II Spell Admissions at DIETs : After Announcement PAL
6. Reporting of the candidates in the institutions (First Instructions Day) : In the first week of November, 2015