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Saturday, November 21, 2015

AP ZP GPF Annual Slips Download AP ZP GPF Annual Slips Download is the official website to Download AP ZPGPF annual slips .AP Zilla Parishad General Provident Fund is known as AP ZP GPF  by the teachers who are working in the  government schools. AP Employees and Teachers can preserve the steps for further use which means , By  following some simple steps the AP Teachers and Employees  can download annual slip from the link . AP ZPGPF annual account slips  which can be accessed from the website and this is are only for AP employees. AP ZPGPF annual slips district wise employees, belongs to Panchayat Raj their GPF account will be maintained by the CEO, Zilla Parishad. Final part of withdrawal to employee candidate with the approval of concern DD that is the headmaster to the high school staff and MEO (MANDAL Educational Officer) the primary and upper primary school staff.
AP ZP GPF Annual Slips Download

Every Andhra Pradesh Employee and Teaacher who appointed on or before 01.04.2005 has to contribute minimum of 6% of is basically from his salary as GPS fund according to GO Ms.40 Dt : 7-5-2002,. The employees those who are going to retire can stop the subscriptions before the retirement of 4 months .
Process to Download AP ZP GPF Annual Slips 
  1. Visit AP ZP GPF Official Website. 
  2. GPF Account number should be entered.
  3. Enter the default password as emp(your GPF Number )
  4. Example: If your GPF Number is 12345 then Password is emp12345
  5. Change the password if you would like to change
  6. Now enter captcha
  7. Finally Click on submit
  8. Now Select the year you want to get your annual slips
  9. Example:  2012-13/ 2013-14/2014-15/2015-16/2016-17 ledger card.
Click Here to Download


AG AP GPF Slips Annual Account Statement

AG AP GPF Slips Download Instructions AP GPF Account Slips Andhra Pradesh AG GPF Account Slips AP GPF Annual Account Slips AP GPF Annual Account Statements AP AG AP GPF Slips AP AG GPF Account Slips, Andhra Pradesh AP AG GPF Account Slips Download Andhra Pradesh GPF Slips TS GPF Account Slips TS Annual Account GPF Slips AP GPF Statement Slips 
AG AP GPF Slips Download 2014-15 2015-16 Andhra PradeshAP  GPF Annual Account Statement AP GPF Annual Slips Statement Ap Employees GPF Slips how to download AGAP GPF Slip  AG AP GPF Slips For the year 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Download AG AP GPF Slips Telangnaa GPF Account Slips Statements AP Govt Employees GPF Statements download How to download
Download AP GPF Annual Account Slips TS GPF Account Slips Download AGAP GPF Slips AP GPF Statements AP and TS gpf slips download AP Govt employees gpf slips download 
AG AP GPF Slips For the year 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Download AG AP GPF Slips Telangnaa GPF Account Slips Statements AP Govt Employees GPF Statements download How to download AP GPF Account Slips GPF Statement for the year 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Instructions to Download AG AP GPF Slips

  1. First Employee Choose GPF Annual Account Statement for Year (2014-15) (If you want to download 2013-14 year GPF Slips then you can select year 2013-14) (EX: 2014-15)
  2. Then Employee Select Department Name from the List  ( Ex: Police - POL)
  3.  Then Employee Enter their GPF Account No. (Ex: 12345)
  4. Then Employee Enter his/her Mobile No. ( Registered Mobile No . GPF Alerts Mobile No)
  5. Then Employee Click on " Go " option
  6. Finally you can get your GPF Statement in PDF file save that file and print it
 GPF Annual Account Statement for year : 
Department Series 
Mobile No (Enter 10 digit mobile no)  
  ** click here for instructions to register for mobile GPF alerts