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Monday, November 9, 2015

AP 1200 MPEO(Multi Purpose Extension Officer) Posts 2015

AP 1200 MPEO(Multi Purpose Extension Officer) Posts 2015

GO.792-Government Of Andhra Pradesh, Agriculture and Cooperation (H&S) Department has given permission for appointment of Twelve Hundred (1200) Multi Purpose Extension Officer (Horticulture) and AP MPEO Posts Recruitment Guidelines and Duties have been given in this subject. This GO.792 details as follows.. GO.No.792, Dated:07-11-2015-Government Of Andhra Pradesh Abstract,Agriculture And Cooperation (H&S) Department - Strengthening of Horticulture Extension - Permission for contracting the service of 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer(Horticulture) - Guidelines for recruitment - Orders - Issued.

AP Govt Jobs,AP MPEO posts 2015,1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer(Horticulture) Posts, MPEO Jobs Vacancy Position, invites applications for MPEOs Recruitment,Agriculture and Cooperation

1)Memo.No.5541/Agri.II/A2/2014, A&C (Agri.II) Dept., dt:25.07.2015
2) From the Commissioner of Horticulture, AP, Hyderabad Lr.No.Estt.II(1)/53/2015, dated: 17-08-2015 and dt.03.09.2015

ORDER: In the reference 1st read above, the Agriculture & Cooperation (Agri.II) Department have informed that, the Government have decided to allocate 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEOs) posts for Horticulture Department out of 6354 MPEO posts with exclusive qualification of Diploma in Horticulture.

2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Commissioner of Horticulture, AP, Hyderabad has submitted proposal to issue necessary orders for appointment of 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEOs) posts in Horticulture Department at a consolidated honorarium of Rs.8000/- per month without any allowance. He has furnished draft guidelines regarding duties & responsibilities, qualifications, selection procedure for MPEOs.

3. After careful examination, Government hereby accord permission to Commissioner of Horticulture for appointment of Twelve Hundred (1200) Multi Purpose Extension Officers in Horticulture Department purely on contractual basis with consolidated honorarium of Rs.8000/- per month without any allowances. The guidelines regarding qualifications, selection procedure, duties and responsibilities, etc., for Multi Purpose Extension Officer (MPEOs) are appended as Annexure- I & II to this order.

4. The period of contract of Multi Purpose Extension Officer (Horticulture) is one year. However, the service of the individual can be terminated at any time, if they fail to perform their duties satisfactorily without any notice or without assigning any reasons. They shall not claim any right over the post of Multi Purpose Extension Officer (Horticulture) or time scale. They shall discharge the duties of Multi Purpose Extension Officer (Horticulture) and draw the consolidated honorarium of Rs.8,000/- per month.

5. The Commissioner of Horticulture, AP, Hyderabad shall take further necessary action in the matter and send compliance report to the Government immediately.
Government of Andhra Pradesh, Agriculture and Cooperation (H&S) Department has accorded permission for recruitment of 1200 Multi Purpose Extension Officer Positions(Horticulture). So, AP Govt will issue the District wise MPEO Posts 2016 Recruitment Notifications and each district's Agriculture Department will invite the applications from the eligible and interested candidates for the recruitment of Multi Purpose Extension Officer(Horticulture) Positions.

Post Details:
MPEO/Multi Purpose Extension Officer(Horticulture): 1200 Posts.

1. Educational Qualification: B.Sc (Hort.,), B.Sc. (Agri.), Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma Holders(Dr. YSRHU/ recognized Universities) and ordinary B.Sc./M.Sc. with Horticulture (as Optional subjects) in the second preference.
2. Order of preference will be given to candidates having B.Sc., (Hort.,) Degree or B.Sc. (Agri.) followed by Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma holders and then ordinary B.Sc.,/M.Sc., Degree with Horticulture as one of the Optional subjects.

Age Limit:
Candidate must be within the maximum age Limit of 40 years. The age relaxation in respect of SC, ST, BC and PH candidates shall be allowed as per the provisions under Rule-12 of APS &SS Rules. So, Candidates age limit should have between 18 to 40 years as on July 1st.

Selection Committee:
The selection for the posts of Multi Purpose Extension Officers (Horticulture) shall be done by the District Selection Committee constituted for the purpose with the following officers :
District Collector/Joint Collector : Chairman
DD Horticulture/AD Horticulture : Member/Convener
JD Agriculture or person authorized by JDA : Member
Representative from YSR Hort. University : Member

Selection Procedure:
The section among the applicants will be made in the following order of preference.
Category-I : B. Sc.,(Horticulture) / B.Sc., (Agriculture)
Category-II : Horticulture Polytechnic Diploma Holders
Category-III : Ordinary B.Sc.,/M.Sc., with Horticulture as one of the Optional Subjects studied in recognized universities in Andhra Pradesh.

The Committee will commence the selection first from among the applicants in the first category. If sufficient number of candidates are not available, the Committee will select candidates from among the applicants in second category. If sufficient number of candidates are not available under second category, then the committee will select from among the Candidates under third category.
1. Selection shall be done through open advertisement in local news papers.
2. Selection will be on - 80% merit (Educational Qualification) and 20% based on performance in interviews.
3. 80% of the posts will be filled with LOCAL candidates and the remaining 20% will be filled with NON-LOCAL candidates as per rules in force.
4. Roaster system and rule of reservation shall be followed as per rules.

How to Apply:
Duly completed application along with required documents should be sent to the Office of the Additional Agriculture Director, Collector Complex, Concerned District.