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Monday, November 16, 2015

AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2023

AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2023

 AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2023 

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), an agency of the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), is awarding the AICTE Pragati Scholarship prize for 2023. The Pragati Scholarship Programme is only open to female students enrolled in the first year of technical degree or diploma programmes at institutions with AICTE approval. With the Pragati Scholarship Programme, young women will have the chance to pursue successful careers by advancing their higher education. Particular emphasis is placed on "Empowering Women through Technical Education" by the Pragati Scholarship Programme.

Criteria for Pragati Scholarship Eligibility

  1. The student must be accepted into the first year of a degree or diploma programme at any AICTE-approved institution. A maximum of two girl children per family may apply for this grant.
  2. A family's annual income cannot have exceeded Rs. 8 lakh during the prior fiscal year. Aspirants from SC, ST, and other backward castes are also eligible for reservations, which are offered at 15%, 7.5%, and 27% of the total number of openings, respectively.
  3. Any AICTE-approved institution of the relevant year must grant the girl applicant admission to either the first year of a degree- or diploma-level programme OR the second year of a degree- or diploma-level course through lateral entry.
  4. Each household may have a maximum of two girls.
  5. During the current economic year, a family's total annual income cannot exceed Rs. 8 lakh.

Under this scheme, a total of 10,000 scholarships (5,000 for each degree and diploma) are set aside each year for students who wish to enroll in either the first year of a degree- or diploma-level course OR the second year of a degree- or diploma-level course through lateral entry at one of the AICTE-approved institutions.

Distribution of the 10,000 scholarships awarded for degree and diploma programmes by state and union territory is shown in Annexures A and B. In addition to 10,000 scholarships at point number 2, all eligible girls who submit online scholarship form, from following 13 Union Territories and North Eastern States i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT), Jammu and Kashmir (UT), Laddakh (UT), Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu (UT), Lakshadweep (UT), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura will be given scholarships by AICTE.

Number of Scholarships:

  1. No of Scholarships in the Degree Course : 5000
  2. No of Scholarships in Diploma Course : 5000
  3. TOTAL: 10,000

AICTE Pragati Scholarship Benefit:

Rs. 50,000 as a lump sum amount towards payment of college fees, computer purchase, stationery, book purchase, equipment, software purchase, etc. for each year of study, up to four years for degree and three years for diploma for first year admitted students and up to three years for degree and two years for diploma for second year admitted applicant through lateral entry.

How to Apply Online for the AICTE Pragati Scholarship 2023?

  1. First, go to, the AICTE scholarship's official website.
  2. Click the 'Apply Now' button below.
  3. Go to the "Student Corner" and select "New Registration."
  4. Select "Press here for other Scholarship Schemes hosted on NSP for AY 2023" from the drop-down menu now.
  5.  Select the state of residence, Pre Matric Scholarship Category, Scholarship Scheme Type, Gender, and provide the applicant's name, date of birth, cellphone number, and email address.
  6. Select either an Aadhaar or bank account number as your means of identification before clicking the "Register" button.
  7. After that, log in with your OTP and complete the application.


AICTE Scholarship for Girls under PRAGATI Scheme

AICTE Scholarships, PRAGATI scheme, Scholarship for Differently abled Students, All India Council for Technical Education,  Scholarship for Girls under PRAGATI scheme and Scholarship for Differently abled Students , announced by AICTE.  AICTE means All India Council for Technical Education, it is an apex body of Government of India. The Statutory body established for proper planning and coordinated development of Technical Education system throughout the country. It believes that "Educating a man is educating a person, educating a woman is educating a family" and Strongly linked with quality education.

"Scholarship For Girls Under Pragati Scheme And Scholarship For Differently Abled Students Under Saksham For 2015-2016 Implemented By All India Council For Technical Education, New Delhi"

AICTE Scholarship for Girls under PRAGATI scheme and Differently abled Students

AICTE has announced scholarship for girls under PRAGATH scheme and Differently abled students and giving special encouragement to students. AICTE invites applications from eligible students for Two Scholar ship Schemes to Girls under (PRAGATI) and for Differently abled Students.

Scholarship for Girls (PRAGATI)
  1. Number of Scholarships available per annum : 4000
  2. Amount of Scholarship : Rs. 30,000 or tuition fees at actual whichever is less and Rs. 2,000 per month for ten months as contingency allowance.

    1. One girl per family
    2. Family income should be less than Rs. 6 lakhs per annum
    3. Admitted to AICTE approved institution's programs / courses of the Diploma
    4. Only students admitted in the first year of the academic year 2015-16.

    Scholarship for Differently abled Students
    1. Number of Scholarships available per annum : 1000
    2. Amount of Scholarship : Rs. 30,000 or tuition fees at actual whichever is less and Rs. 2,000 per month for ten months as contingency allowance.
      1. Differently abled students
      2. Family income should be less than Rs. 6 lakhs per annum
      3. Admitted to AICTE approved institution's programs / courses of the Diploma and Undergraduate Degree Level and Undergraduate Degree Level .
      4. Only students admitted in the first year of the academic year 2015-16.

      How to Apply Eligible students who are already admitted to technical programs/courses in AICTE approved Institutions during 2015-16, in the first year, may make an application in a prescribed format available on the AICTE portal at>Students> Scholarships. The duly filled in form complete in all respects along with scanned attested copies of the certificates in pdf are required to be submitted as attachments to e-mail on or before 30th October, 2015.

      (A Statutory Body of the Govt. of India)
      7th Floor, Chanderlok Building,
      Janpath, New Delhi-110 001;
      Ph. : 011-23724150-55

      click Website available 

      Last date for submission of Scholarships: 23-11-2015