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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TTC (Lower Grade) Theory Exams, October-2015

Rc.05 Allotment of Funds for Conduct of TTC (Lower Grade) Theory Exams, October-2015

Rc.05 Allotment of funds to the DEOs for conduct of Technical Teachers Certificate (Lower Grade) Theory Examinations, October-2015,  Proceedings Of The Director Of Government Examinations,Telangana, Hyderabad, Rc.No.05/A3-1/2015-9 Dated:30-09-2015

Budget- 2015-16 -Allotment of funds to the (04) District Educational Officers i.e. Hyderabad, Warangal, Nizamabad and Nalgonda for conduct of Technical Teachers Certificate (Lower Grade) Theory Examinations, October-2015 - Permission to draw on Fully Vouchered Bills- Orders-Issued -Reg.

1. BE -2015-16, Demand No. XII (S.E), Vol-III/7, Page Nos. 19 & 20.
2. G.O.Ms.No.44, Finance (BG) Dept., Dt:20-04-2015.
3. Govt.Memo No.1970/Services.I/A.2/2015-2,Sch Edn (Ser.I)Dept.,dt:12-06-15
4. Directions received from the El-Section of this Office vide Rc. No.268/ElaTC/15, Dt:28-09-15.

The funds to the extent of Rs. 63,100/-(Rupees Sixty three thousand one hundred only) from the budget provision of this office for the financial year 2015-16 are hereby sanctioned and allotted to (04) District Educational Officers i.e. Hyderabad, Warangal, Nizamabad and Nalgonda for conduct of Technical Teachers Certificate (Lower Grade) Theory Examinations, October, 2015 as shown in the Annexure to be held on 04-10-2015 to meet the expenditure in connection with the payment of TA, DA, Conveyance and Remuneration to the personnel involved in the above event and other miscellaneous expenditure at the prescribed rates as per rules in Vogue.

The detailed Heads of Account to which the expenditure towards T.A., D.A. and Remuneration for the conduct of Technical Teachers Certificate (Lower Grade) Theory Examination, October, 2015 has to be booked is indicated below. The expenditure should be booked without any misclassification.

TA, DA and Conveyance to the Personnel drafted for the conduct of TTC (Lower Grade) Theory Examination, October-2015

2202-General Education 
02-Secondary Education
108- Examinations
04- Conduct of Common Exams., CGE.
110- Domestic Travel Expenses
111- Travelling Allowance

Remuneration to the Personnel drafted and other miscellaneous expenditure for the conduct of TTC (Lower Grade) Theory Examination, October-2015

2202-General Education 
02-Secondary Education
108- Examinations 
04-Conduct of Common Exams.,CGE 
280-Professional Services
284- Other Payments

The above mentioned District Educational Officers are instructed to draw the funds to the extent required only on FULLY VOUCHERED BILLS for conduct of TTC (Lower Grade) Theory Examinations, October-2015 duly obtaining the bills after completion of examinations and to meet the expenditure accordingly.

The above mentioned District Educational Officers are requested to obtain the vouchers containing Remuneration, TA and DA and other miscellaneous expenditure along with the Bank Account particulars of the personnel involved in the conduct of Technical Teachers Certificate (Lower Grade) Theory Examinations, October-2015 from the personnel involved as soon as the examinations are over and prepare a consolidated Fully Vouchered Bill so that the amounts may directly be remitted into the bank accounts of the individuals.

At the time of receiving the vouchers a declaration may be obtained to the effect that if any payment is made to them is found to be excess subsequently, the excess amount so paid will be recovered from the pay of individuals concerned and remitted to relevant head of account.
The District Educational officers are requested to follow the Government Orders in the Memos cited scrupulously and no direct voucher payment for miscellaneous expenditure. Remuneration. TA and DA will be entertained under any circumstances.

The District Educational Officers are requested to furnish the particulars of amounts drawn towards the allotment made for each drawl and the particulars of expenditure after conclusion of each examination. The District Educational Officers are also permitted to utilize the un-spent balance if any, for settling the pending Bills of previous SSC and other Minor Examinations under respective detailed heads only. If any balances are left over after finalizing all the pending bills before the closing of current financial year, the savings may be surrendered along with savings certificate of the DTO concerned.

Utmost economy may be observed by District Educational Officers while calculating the funds required to each centre to see the expenditure minimized to the possible extent.

Under no circumstances diversion of funds from one detailed head to another detailed head is permissible as per Financial Rules and the concerned District Educational Officers will be completely held responsible for any such lapses. The District Educational Officers are also informed to incur the expenditure without giving any scope for lapsing of funds and they must furnish Utilization Certificate without fail. 

The other instructions issued earlier for the drawl of bills will hold good.

Rc.No.05/A3-1/2015-9 Dated:30-09-2015