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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TS Vidya Volunteers Training on CCE Methods at DIETs and Instructions

Rc.330 TS Vidya Volunteers Training on CCE Methods at DIETs and Instructions

TS Vidya Volunteers Training from 13.10.2015 to 15.10.2015 at DIETs and Instructions

RC.330/PS2 Conduct Training to the Vidya Volunteers from 13.10.2015 to 15.10.2015 at District Institute of Education and Training(DIETs)-Certain instructions,  Proceedings Of The Director Of School Education :: Telangana Hyderabad, Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015, Dated:07.10.2015

TS Vidya Volunteers Training,CCE Methods, DIETs

School Education - Engaging of Vidya Volunteers for the academic year 2015-16 - Certain instructions issued - Reg.

1. Procs.Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015, dated:03.09.2015.
2. Procs.Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015-1, dated:14.09.2015.
3. Procs.Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015-1, dated:16.09.2015.

In continuation of this office proceedings read above, the following instructions are issued to all the District Educational Officers in the State:

1. To engage Vidya Volunteers in the left over vacancies by selecting the next meritorious candidates duly following roster from the merit list within two days and send list to Director of School Education for verification in the proforma enclosed herewith. Later place it before the District Level Committee for approval and engage the candidates after Dassehra Vacation but direct them to report for training scheduled from 13.10.2015.

2. To conduct Training to the Vidya Volunteers from 13.10.2015 to 15.10.2015 at District Institute of Education and Training(DIETs) in coordination with Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Telangana, Hyderabad.

 3. The Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Telangana, Hyderabad is requested to arrange to prepare the training material for training the Vidya Volunteers on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation(CCE) Methods.

4. Further, the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that any deviation in regard will be viewed seriously.

Rc.No.330/PS2-2/2015 Dated:07.10.2015