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Saturday, October 3, 2015

TS BC Study Circles TSPSC Groups I to IV Free Coaching 2015 Hall Tickets

TS BC Study Circles TSPSC Groups I to IV Free Coaching 2015 Hall Tickets

TS BC Study Circles TSPSC Groups I to IV Exams Free Coaching 2015 Hall Tickets

#TSBCStudyCircles TSPSC Groups I to IV Exams Free Coaching 2015 Hall TIckets, TSPSC Groups Free Coaching, Groups Free Coaching, TS BC Study Circles Free Coaching Admissions 2015: Government Of Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Department has given the Notification for Admissions in to TS BC Study Circles for free coaching to Telangana State Public Service Commission Group - I to Group - IV Services 2015. Applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging to Backward Classes (BCs), Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) for Common Screening Test for free coaching for Group -I to Group-IV Services Examinations to be conducted by the Telangana Service Public Commission.

TS BC Study Circles,TSPSC Groups,Free Coaching

The Duration of coaching is 90 days or up to the date of exam of either Group-I (Prelims) & Group-II written (Objective Type), conducted by TSPSC, whichever is less. (The Dept. may modify the duration as per schedule of the exam conducted by TSPSC.

Eligibility Criteria
1. The candidates shall posses the qualifications which are mentioned in the Notification issued by T.S. Public Service Commission (TSPSC).

2. The candidate’s family income shall not exceed Rs. 1.00 Lakh per annum.

3. No person who is already working in any post in any cadre is eligible for this training.

4. The candidates who have already availed the coaching programme from this institute are not eligible for the present coaching programme.

Selection Process:
1. The selection process of the candidates for the coaching programme is based on the Marks Obtained in the Online Screening Test, and preference given by the Candidate (i.e., for Gr.-I & Gr.-II coaching) in the Online Registration form and Reservation Percentage.

2. The seats are allocated to the candidates of different categories as follows
BCs – 66%, SCs – 20% & STs – 14%.

3. If the Marks being the same, unrepresented BC Community candidates, Woman Candidates and Physically Handicapped Candidates are preferred in the same order.

4. The Department has a right to modify the duration and other guidelines or norms at any time as per the circumstances.

Free coaching will be provided to the selected candidates in T.S. Study Circles for BCs, in their Native Districts only @ 100 No’s per BC Study Circle. Apart from free Coaching, Study Material and Stipend will be provided. A combined coaching for TSPSC Group-I (Prelims) & Group-II written (objective type) Exam will be provided for the selected candidates, from 13-10-2015.

Further, the candidates were provided free coaching TSPSC Group-III & Group-IV candidates, on the Marks obtained in the Online Screening Test, preference of exam given by the candidate at time of registration, as and when notification will be released by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC).

How to Apply
The candidates shall register through online only in the website from 20-09-2015 onwards. The relevant certificates i.e., Certificates must be uploaded online by the Candidate at the time of Registration.
1) Caste Certificate
2) Income Certificate of 2015
3) Nativity Certificate,
4) 10th /SSC Memo,
5) Intermediate Memo,
6) Degree Memo,
7) Applicant Photograph. should be scanned and uploaded by the candidate.

The venue for Common Online Screening Test will be intimated to the candidates in due course of time.

Each District Study Circle Contacts:
For further details and Registration Guidelines, the Candidates are advised to visit the Website: The Candidate may contact to their Respective District Study Circles:

1. Hyderabad & RR Dist: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, H.No.4-1-825/E, 5th floor, Laxmi Estate. Jawaharlal Nehuru Road, Pin Code: 500001, Ph.040–24611408, 24651178.

2. Mahabubnagar: T.S. Study Circle for BCs, Govt. B.Ed. College Compound, Pillalamarri Road, Mettuguda, Mahabubnagar-1 Ph. 08542 – 245790

3. Warangal: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, 6-1-46/5,Lashkar Bazar, Kancharla Kunta, Hanmakonda – 1, Ph: 0870 – 2571192.

4. Adilabad: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs,Imam All Building, above, Teachers Colony S.B.I Branch, Near RIMS Medical College, Adilabad, Ph: 0873 – 2221280.

5. Karimnagar: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, B2, OPP S.R.R. College, Near Employment Office, Jagityal Road, Karimnagar, Ph: 0878 – 2228686

6. Khammam: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs,N.T.R. Circle, Opp; P.G. Center, Khammam, Cell 9393254433,Ph. 08742 – 227427.

7. Nizamabad: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, Rajaram Stadium Building, Nagaram, Nizamabad, Ph; 08462 – 245055.

8. Nalgonda: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, Back Side NG College, Sri Nagar Colony, Integrated Hostel-2 Back Side, Nalgonda Ph. 08682 – 220007

9. Medak & Siddipet: Director, T.S. Study Circle for BCs, Near Ambedkar Stadium Ground, Sanga Reddy at Medak Ph. 08455 – 277015

Important Dates:
1. Date of commencement of online Registration is 20-09-2015
2. The last date for Online Registration is 30-09-2015
3. Online Screening Test:04-10-2015
4. Declaring Results:06-10-2015
5. Commencement of Classes/free Coaching for combined TSPSC Group-I (Prelims) & Group-II written (objective):13-10-2015

#Download the Hall tickets: Free Coaching for TSPSC Groups Services Exams 2015