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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

TOSS Inter Exams October 2015Remuneration and Expenditure

Remuneration and Expenditure Amount Sanctioned for TOSS Inter Exams October 2015

Rc.3 Sanction of advance amount towards remuneration and other expenditure for DEC, HPC, DRDC, Orientation Program and Distribution of Confidential Material etc., contingent amount to the Theory Examination centers.  Proceedings Of The Director, Telangana Open School Society, Hyderabad. Rc.No.3/D3/TOSS/INTER/Oct. 2015, Dt.01-10-2015.
Remuneration,Expenditure Amount,TOSS Inter Exams

TOSS- Intermediate (TOSS) Public Examinations, October -2015 Sanction of advance amount towards remuneration and other expenditure for DEC, HPC, DRDC, Orientation Program and Distribution of Confidential Material etc., contingent amount to the Theory Examination centers – orders issued- Reg.

1) G.O.Ms.No-6, School Education (PE-PROG-I), Dept, Dt: 13.03.2014.


     Intermediate TOSS Public Examinations (Theory), October, 2015 are scheduled from 10.10.2015 to 19.10.2015. High Power Committee, District Examination Committee, District Reception & Distribution Committees are constituted in the districts. The District Educational Officer have conducted orientation programs to the CS and DOs in the district. Confidential material is to be distributed to all the examination centers. Custodians cum sitting squad members and flying squad members are to be appointed. Remuneration to all the officers involved in various examination duties is to be paid apart from other contingent expenditure. Further, advance is to be paid to the Chief Superintendents of Theory Examination centers for conduct of the examinations.

           The expenditure should be as per TOSS norms and G.O’s and bills should be submitted within 15 days after completion of Examination/Spot Valuation. Excess budget sanctioned over and above expenditure should be remitted immediately to TOSS.

                    In view of the above, the Director, Telangana Open School Society is pleased to sanction an amount ofRs. 20,10,969/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Ten Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Nine only) as an advance to the District Educational Officers as noted against each towards remuneration and other contingent charges for High Power Committee, District Examination Committee, District Reception & Distribution Committee, conduct of orientation programs to the Chief Superintendent & Departmental Officer, Distribution of confidential material remuneration to Custodians cum sitting squad members and flying squad members, other contingent expenditure at the district level and advance to the chief Superintendents of theory examination centers.

Intermediate (Toss) Public Examinations, October-2015
Details Of Contingnet Amount To Be Released To
The District Educational Officers 
Towards Dec,Etc Contingencies, Theory Exam Centres
S.NoDistrictDEC,etcTheory CentresTotal
15Ranga Reddy168520154741323261
(Rupees Twenty Lakhs Ten Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty Nine only)
                             The Accounts Officer is requested to release the sanctioned amount to the respective District Educational Officers through online transfer and send information to the Intermediate Examination Branch for taking further action in the matter. The expenditure shall be debited to the Intermediate Account.