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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Telangana Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager Posts 2015 Recruitment Notification

SERP Telangana Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager Posts 2015 Recruitment Notification

SERP Telangaa, Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Limited, Department of Rural Development: Government of Telangana has given the Asst. Managers Financial Inclusion Recruitment 2015 Notification  in 'STREE NIDHI' and applications invite the from the eligible and interested candidates for appointment of Assistant Mangers Financial Inclusion in Stree Nidhi.

Stree Nidhi Profile: Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd is a society registered under State Cooperative Societies Act'l 964 with its registered office located in Hyderabad. Stree Nidhi has been promoted by federations of SHGs in association with Govt. of Telangana and commenced operations on 06.10.2011. It works as Banking Correspondent for SBH and Andhra Bank. Stree Nidhi is looking for talented, qualified, committed professionals from reputed institutions having experience with regard to financial Inclusion in any Organisations for the following positions. All the positions are subject to entire State of Telangana and the Management reserves the right of transferring any of its employees to any of the Districts of Telangana and these will be subject to administrative exigencies.

Designation of the post:
1.Assistant Manager - Financial Inclusion: 8 Vacancies

Eligibility Criteria:
The details of eligibility criteria viz. qualifications, experience, age and requirements are given below for the above posts (For Job profile see annexure)(As on 30.09.2015):
1. Age Limit: Candidates should have age limit between 25 to 30 years

2. Qualifications: Any Graduate, knowledge in Computer Application is essential.

3. Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in the field of Financial Experience Inclusion. Technical knowledge on Hardware installations and maintenance. Thorough knowledge on Networking. Knowledge on banking products with special focus on rural products.

4. Requirements: Shall Handle Financial Inclusion operations in centers allocated to them. Shall guide in increasing volume of Requirements transactions at BC points and address technical issues. Must have good interpersonal and communication skills. Must own a vehicle or should be willing to acquire the same. Must possess Driving Licence. Must be willing to tour 20 days in a  month.

5. Posting: Your posting will be within the district. Candidate should be from the District concerned for which post is applied for. Must be willing to work anywhere in the District. The staff will be Posting posted in the Mandal Head Quarters and are required to move in the villages, subject to transfer depending on administrative exigencies. District in which they are willing to work should be specified on top of the application form.

Asst. Manager: Consolidated scale of Rs.10,000 /- per month. They will be eligible for DA and FTAof Rs 2500 per month. Higher salary can be considered in case of deserving candidates with professional competency and experience.
The Selected candidates shall be taken on contract basis as consultants. The contract tenure will be 2 years and renewed thereafter, subject to mutual consent and performance. There will be regular performance review and Stree Nidhi has discretion to terminate his/her services on account of unsatisfactory performance. Candidates to note that this is not a Govt. Job.

i. Stree Nidhi being a Govt. promoted organization, roster system shall be followed.
ii. The eligible candidates subject to a maximum of 1 :5 will be called for personal interview and decision of Stree Nidhi in this regard shall be final.
iii. Those selected for the above posts have to join within 15 days from the date of issue of selection letter.

Eligible candidates have to download the Application Form given in Annexure-2, from the websites and submit application for post mentioning the post code on top of the application form. One application from is eligible for one post only. The application form should be as per the proforma enclosed. Last date of receipt of application is 26.10.2015. No applications shall be entertained after the stipulated date. Incomplete application forms will be rejected.

Address the application, Superscribing the Post Name and Post Code for which he/she is applying for (Specify post and code) to "The Managing Director" Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperaitve Federation Ltd., and submit to the following address:
Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd, C/o Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty,
5th Floor, HUDA-Hermitage Offices Complex,
# 5-10-192, Hill Fort Road, Saifabad, Hyderabad-500 004

a) Please down load the application form from the websites
b) While applying for the posts, the applicant should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage that a candid ate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his / her appointment will automatically stands cancelled.
c) In case of suitable and deserving cases, any of the requirements and conditions of eligibility mentioned above, may be relaxed at the discretion of the Board of Management of Stree Nidhi. The Board of Management of Stree Nidhi reserves the right to fill or not to fill the above advertised positions without assigning any reason thereof. Posts of AGMs and below are subjected to Nativity clause.
d) Candidates must submit one application for one post. Applications must be submitted in prescribed format which can be down loaded from Stree Nidhi/SERP websites mentioned above. The applications received in any format other than the prescribed will be rejected. Candidates must fill the details in the format either by typing or by filling the details with Black / Blue ball point pen, clearly and legibly.
e) Mere submission of application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him/ her any right to be called for interview.
f) The following candidates need not apply now:
1. Those who have already attended the interview earlier for 2 times and not selected
2. Those who do not have working knowledge in Telugu
g) Canvassing, recommendations and influencing in any form will be treated as disqualification.

Last date for submission of application is 26-10-2015

Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager Posts 2015 Recruitment Notification