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Monday, October 5, 2015

Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips

Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips

Telangana pensioners Pension Amount Status Online, Telangana Pensioners Current Month Pension Amount check in online through treasury TS Employees current month pension amount and account slips  Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips or check current month AG pension amount status full details and also u can check year Pension statement and pension status

Instructions to Check Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips

  1. Employee First Select  District Name ( Eg:rangareddy)
  2. Then Employee Enter PPO Number
  3. If Employee don't know PPO Number Just Click Here ( Employee Can Search PPO Number with his/her name) -  Telangana PPO Number Search by Name 


(i) Payment of Pension :

After verification of the applicants' title to the claim and its correctness, the pensionary benefits is authorised by this office for payment from the Treasury/Pension Payment Office through which payment is desired. Intimation of issue of authorisation will be sent to the pensioner. He should present this intimation to the Treasury Officer/Pension Payment Officer who will handover the pensioners copy of the Pension Payment Order to him. It may however be noted here that the payment of pensionary benefits should not be denied on the grounds that the pensioner had not submitted his copy of intimation letter vide Government circular Memo No.7614-A/127/PSC/89, Finance and Planning (FW PSC) Department, dated 20.12.89. If pension is not claimed within one year from the date of issue of PPO, the payment of arrears of pension is subject to the provision of A.P.T.C.Vol.I. If Gratuity payment is not made within six months, revalidation by AG is necessary for payment. Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips

(ii) Payment of Pension Through Banks :

Payment of pension can be arranged through Banks on making an application to the Treasury/ Pension Payment Officer in accordance with the provisions laid down.
The retiring employees can also indicate the name of the Bank, Branch, Place and S.B A/c No. in the Application Form for pension vide Part. I of Pension Papers.

(iv) Commutation :

Medical examination is not necessary for commutation, if the application is received by the Department within one year of retirement except in case of invalid Pension. The willingness of the Pensioner to commute pension (maximum 40% of pension) has to be indicated at Column 5 of Part I of Pension papers . One may only state the fraction of pension proposed to be commuted or as “Maximum admissible under the rules”. No commutation is permissible while Departmental or Judicial proceedings are pending against the pensioner. After conclusion of departmental proceedings and issue of orders thereon, if pension is allowed either in full or in part, the Pensioner has to apply for commuted value of pension in the prescribed form and the commutation will become absolute on the date on which the application is received by the Head of the Office. Telangana Pensioners Pension Amount Status Account Slips

(V) If Pensionary Benefits are not authorised within two months of receipt of the Pension case complete in all respects, please bring it to the attention of the Deputy Accountant General(Pension) for redressal within a month.