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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Telangana for conducting Vidya Volunteers i.e. SGTs and School Assistants training programme


Rc.419-The procedures, guidelines and financial norms have been issued by the DSE and SPD Telangana for conducting Vidya Volunteers  i.e. SGTs and School Assistants training programme during Dasara vacation at DIETs. Proceedings Of The Director Of School Education & State Project Director, Ssa :: Telangana :: Hyderabad, Rc.No.419/D/C&T/Tscert/2015, Dated: 10.10.2015

Subject: SCERT, Telangana, Hyderabad - Orientation to the Vidya Volunteers i.e. SGTs and School Assistants during Dasara vacation at DIETs - Communication of guidelines and financial norms for conduct of training - Orders issued - Reg.

Reference: Proceedings of the Director of School Education, Telangana Rc.No.330/ PS-2/2015, Dated: 07-10-2015.

All the RJDSEs, DEOs, POs of SSA and Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASEs and Director SCERT are hereby informed that vide reference cited, a meeting was conducted with the DIET Principals to discuss the procedures, norms and modalities for conduct of orientation to Vidya Volunteers. Following are the procedures, guidelines and financial norms for conducting Vidya Volunteers training programme.

1. Each batch of candidates shall be about 50 for SGTs. Further, subject specific strength for School Assistants as shown in the table.
2. The training venues may be High Schools/ DIETs with good infrastructure and facilities. The training starts at 09.00 AM and ends at 05.00 PM on all the days.
3. In case of trainees are around 50 to 80 in the entire District in a subject where one or two batches are required, a training may be conducted at DIETs or other places. In such cases, the lodging and boarding may be provided with Rs.300/- per candidate per day.
4. In case of less number of Vidya Volunteers against Urdu School Assistants with about 6 to 10 in the Districts, the training programme for all the Urdu School Assistant volunteers will be at DIET, Hyderabad in a residential way. All the DEOs are requested to send them to the DIET, Hyderabad. However, the CTE Hyderabad run the course.
5. The Headmaster of the High School may be placed as Course Director or any other suitable person as decided by the Principals of DIETs/ CTEs/ IASE in consultation with DEO.
6. The observers from the State Level i.e. the State Resource Group members will be drafted to observe and support the training programme.
7. The Handbooks for Vidya Volunteers must reach the Principals of TEIs on or before 15th October, 2015 so as to make use from planning day i.e. 16th October, 2015 onwards.
8. There shall be three (3) Resource Persons per batch representing Telugu, Maths and English each for SGTs. In case of School Assistants, three RPs may be taken for the same subject.
9. A one day planning meeting may be conducted on 16th October, 2015 at DIETs/ CTEs/ IASE and expenditure towards stationary, working lunch, tea and snacks may be met.
10. The Principals are requested to provide required stationary, note book, pen and other things in advance along with Handbooks to the training centre. The Principal should monitor the training programmes along with his staff members.
11. The TA, DA to the Principals attending meetings at SCERT regarding planning and other purposes pertaining to Vidya Volunteers training may be met from the training budget.
12. The Academic Monitoring Officer of SSA shall assist the Principals in conducting the training programmes from 13th October, 2015 onwards.
13. The entire budget towards the training of Vidya Volunteers of SGTs and School Assistants may be met from the training budget of SSA for the academic year 2015-16.
14. The Principals may furnish proposals on the approximate funds required towards conduct of the training programme based on the unit cost to the Project Officer of SSA for the release of the budget as advance by 15th October, 2015. The concerned Principals shall submit accounts along with original vouchers and attendance registers immediately after completion of the training programme to the PO, SSA. In case of any further budget based on the accounts submitted may be released.
15. The DIETs shall take up the training for Vidya Volunteers for both SGTs and School Assistants except in the Districts i.e. Hyderabad, Mahabubnagar, Warangal where CTEs and IASEs shall take up the training for School Assistants.
16. The DEOs may be requested to issue instructions to all the MEOs and Dy.EOs to depute the Vidya Volunteers and Resource Persons for the training as per the centres provided by Principals of DIET/ CTE/ IASE. The Vidya Volunteers may be asked to come with textbooks concerned.
17. The 3-day time table and session-wise details are enclosed.
18. The Principals may discuss the matter and arrangements with the DEOs concerned and conduct the training programme effectively.
19. The Director SCERT is requested to draft one or two SRGs to each District to visit the centres and support the RPs and training programmes
The Director SCERT and staff, RJDSEs, DEOs and POs of SSA are requested to visit the centres and monitor the programme.
Encl: 3-day session-wise time table 

S.No.TaskDatesWho is responsible
1Guidelines and financial norms for conducting the training programme09-10-2015Director, SCERT
2Developing Handbooks to the Vidya Volunteers both at Primary and High Schools and furnishing CDs – 1 common Handbook for Primary and subject-wise Handbooks at High School.13-10-2015Director, SCERT
3Printing of Handbooks and reaching to the Principals of DIETs/ CTEs/ IASE.15-10-2015SPD, SSA
4Preparing lists of RPs by the Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASE.13-10-2015Concerned Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASE.
5Sending instructions to the RPs to participate in the planning and training programmes.13-10-2015DEOs
6Preparing lists of training centres and providing to DEOs for informing to the MEOs and concerned Course Directors/ training venues.13-10-2015Concerned Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASE.
7Sending instructions to the Vidya Volunteers to participate in the training programme at the centres through MEOs.14-10-2015DEOs
8Conducting planning meeting at DIETs/ CTEs/ IASE with RPs and discussion on the session-wise content and transaction.16-10-2015Concerned Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASE.
9Training programme to the Vidya Volunteers &nbsp17-10-2015 to 19-10-2015Concerned Principals of DIETs, CTEs and IASE and concerned Course Directors.

Unit cost per batch:
    S.No    Item  Unit cost (in Rs.)  No of participants    Days  Total amount (in Rs.)
1Working Lunch405636720
3Water and Cleaning105631680
4Note book and pen205611120
  5Stationery & contingency  500  1  1  500
  7Conveyance to Participants (Actual TA)  60  50  3  9000
8RP's Honorarium200342400
  9RP's DA as per TA norms  300  3  4  3600
  10RP's TA (Actual bus fares)  100  3  1  300
11CD's Honorarium300141200
12CD's DA300141200
13CD's TA10011100

Procedures,Guidelines,Financial Norms for VVs Training Program 2015
VVs(SGTs,SAs) Training Program 2015 Time Table
Rc.330 TS Vidya Volunteers Training on CCE Methods at DIETs and Instructions