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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Teachers Transfers Seniority, Vacancy Position , Rationalization List in kurnool dist

DEO Kurnool Teachers Transfers Seniority, Vacancy Position , Rationalization List

* Teachers Transfers Official Seniority list Cadre Wise SGT, SA , LFL, HM and LPs Lists Download 

Kurnool DEO disply in official website AP Teachers Vacancy, Seniority, Rationalization List , Kurnool Teachers Provisional Seniority List, Vacancy Position, Rationalization List, deokurnool13

DEO Kurnool PS, UP, HS Teachers Provisional Seniority List, Vacancy Position, Rationalization 

Download below licks all cadre's Vacancies Position  

* KURNOOL District Students Strength Particulars list Download  as on 01-07-2015

SGT , SA , LP , HM and LFL Official final Vacancies list Download 04-10-2015

* All Vacancies in Official website  Download
* SA Management , Schools Wise Vacancies tentative list Download 20-09-2015
* Language Pandits Vacancies list Download
* School Assistants , PET , PD  others Vacancies list Download as on  11-09-2015 

* SGT Official Seniority list Download  25-09-2015
* SA Subject Wise Seniority lists Download 25-09-2015
* Head Masters Vacancies list Download 
* Head Masters Vacancies Govt. Download  &  ZP  Download ( 15-09-2015 )
* Revised Model Schools List  Download 
* IV category School list Download 
* SGT Vacancies list Download 18-09-2015 
* Additional Habitations list Download 18-09-2015
* IV Category Schools list of Previous years Download   21-09-2015
* PDHM ( LFL ) Management Wise Vacancies list Download  21-09-2015

kurnool District DEO Office on transfers As on 23.9.15

 No. of online applications submitted -
No. Of applications confirmed by MEO/DY. EO-
No. Of applications confirmed by DEO

  1. Gr-II Hm :205-193-68 


  1. English. :375-341-308 
  2. Hindi. : 79 - 74 - 58 
  3. Telugu . :111- 98 - 87 
  4. Bio Sci :325-295-287 
  5. Maths. :389-343-330 
  6. PS :313-280-263 
  7. PD. : 16 - 14 - 13


  1. PSHM. :202-192-192
  2.  LP-HINDI:107-94 -82 
  3. LP-TEL. :240-212-196 
  4. PET. :109-99-94 
  5. SGT : 2786-2589-2541 

TOTAL. : 5815-5327-4986

Overall still 341 application's have to confirm. After it tentative seniority list released.