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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Revised Annual Verification Certificate

Download Revised Annual Verification Certificate of Pensioners

Revised Annual Verification Certificate of Pensioners (As per Govt memo No. 240/PSC/2013, Dated 26.10.2013) 
I. The Pension Disbursing Officer can sign the Certificate if the pensioner appears personally before the Pension Disbursing Officer.
II. If Pensioner does not appear personally before the Pension Disbursing Officer, the Certificate shall be signed by any Gazetted Officer/ Bank Manager.
III. The Annual Verification Certificates are obtained from 1st November on wards.
IV.  In the event of Non-receipt of the Annual Verification Certificate the pension shall be stopped from 1st April on wards (i.e.) March payable on 1st April.

(As per Govt. Memo No.240/PSC/2013, Dt:26-10-2013)
1. (i) Type of Pension : Service Pension / Family Pension
(ii) Name of the individual :
(iii) S/o, D/o, W/o, H/o :
(iv) AADHAAR Number (optional) :
2. Date of Birth / Age :
3. (i) P.P.O. No. :
(ii) P.P.O.Id. :
4. Name of the Bank :
5. Name of the Bank Branch :

Recent Photo of the individual (To be attested by the Gazetted Officer/ Bank Manager or Notary)

6. (i) Bank Account Number (Mandatory) : (in 9/11/14/15 digit format)
(ii) MICR Code :
(iii) IFSC Code :

7. Employment particulars (Applicable if Re-employed after retirement and Employed pensioner only)
(a) Name of Office :
(b) Date of Employment / Re-employment :
(c) What is the D.A. being drawn on employment :
(d) Date from which DA is drawn :

8. Re-marriage particulars if any
(a) Date of Re-marriage :
(b) Name of the spouse :

9. (i) Present Residential address :
Mobile Number :
(ii) E-mail address (if any) :

10 Income tax PAN number (Mandatory if monthly pension exceeds Rs.15000/-):

I hereby declare that
(i) I am not drawing any other pension
(ii) I am drawing other pension through PPO No and PPO- Id
(iii) I am not drawing any DR on that pension
(iv) The particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(v) If the above particulars are proved wrong at any time, I am liable for disciplinary / criminal action as per rules.

Date: Place:

Left thumb impression of  the pensioner                                         (Signature of the pensioner)

Received that Annual verification certificate dated …………………..…………….. of
Sri/Smt. ……………………………….……… holder of PPO No…………………………………..

Signature of the receiver, Date & Stamp

(To be issued by the Drawing & Disbursing Officer)

Certified that Smt./Sri. ……………………………………………………………...W/o of H/o of Late ………………………………..………………….. was appointed as …………………………..
…………………………… on compassionate grounds in this office with effect from ………………... She/ He is being paid the Dearness Allowance eligible to her at the rates sanctioned by the government from time to time.

As per the declaration filed by the individual, she/he is not drawing any D.R. on the family pension being drawn vide PPO No…………………………………………… from the Sub Treasury / Pension Payment Office.

Signature & Office Seal.

Station: Date:

Certified that I have seen the Pensioner as on ……………………….. and he/she is alive on this date.

Date: Signature of the Gazetted Officer/ Bank Manager/ (with name and seal)

Signature of the Treasury Officer, i.e. STO/ATO/APPO (with name and seal)

Instructions on Disbursement of Pension through Banks and Obtaining Life Certificate, Other Certificates

Revised Annual Verification Certificate