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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Rayalaseema University, P.G Examination 3&5 Semesters ONLINE APPLICATIONS

 Rayalaseema University, P.G Examination 3&5 Semesters ONLINE APPLICATIONS

Rayalaseema University, P.G Examination Section – Conduct of Third and Fifth Semester examinations for M.A./M.Sc./M.Com (Prof) / M.Com -(Gen)Regular and Supplementary Candidates  Inviting  ONLINE APPLICATIONS
Rayalaseema University, P.G Examination Section – Conduct of Third and Fifth Semester examinations for M.A./M.Sc./M.Com (Prof) / M.Com (Gen) / 3 years Law / Five year Law/B.Mof Regular and Supplementary Candidates – Inviting  ONLINE APPLICATIONS – Communication of Examination Schedule – Reg. 


  1. 1) Academic Calendar 2015-16 received from the Principal, R.U. College, Kurnool 
  2. 2) Vice – Chancellor Orders dated: 30-09-2015

It is hereby informed that the III and V Semester examinations for M.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com (Prof.) / M.Com (Gen) / 3 years Law / Five year Law / B.M of Regular and Supplementary candidates are scheduled to be conducted in the month of November, 2015. 

The last date for uploading of online filled – in Examination Applications to the college principals concerned for registration with prescribed fee without fine is 15-10-2015. 

The fee particulars in respect of the different courses are shown hereunder. The examination fee is to be credited into Registrar’s Examination Account No. 62126217921 (SBH), Rayalaseema University, Kurnool and also upload the Challan in on-line. 

FEE PARTICULARS for the above semester examinations 
COURSE                                            SUBJECTS                                                Examination Fee 
M.Sc. Mathematics, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry,
Biotechnology, Microbiology                                                                            Rs. 295-00 M.Sc.
Electronics and Communications                                                                       Rs. 345-00
M.Com. (Professional)                                                                                       Rs. 455.00
M.Com. (General)                                                                                               Rs. 245.00
M.Sc. Computer Science                                                                                     Rs. 595.00
Telugu, Economics                                                                                     Rs. 245.00
Law ( V Semester only)                                                                              Rs. 500-00
Five year Law (V Semester only)                                                               Rs. 500-00
B.M (V Semester only)                                                                              Rs. 420-00
M.C.A ( V Semester only)                                                                         Rs. 520-00