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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Guidelines for preparation of annual and perspective plans in Gram Panchayats

AP G.O.MS.No. 97 Dated:07.10.2015 Gram Panchayat Development Plan - Preparation of Plans in the context of 14th Finance Commission Grants - Guidelines for preparation of annual and perspective plans in Gram Panchayats 

Gram Panchayat Development Plan - Preparation of Plans in the context of 14th Finance Commission Grants - Guidelines for preparation of annual and perspective plans in Gram Panchayats – Orders -Issued. 


G.O.MS.No. 97 Dated:07.10.2015 

 Read the following 

  1. 1. G.O.Ms.No.791, (General/Legislature Coordination) Dept., dt.07.11.2013 
  2. 2. G.O.Ms.No.10, PR&RD(MDL.I) Dept., dt.18.1.2014. 
  3. 3. From the Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of PR, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, D.O.Lr.No.11015/123/ 2015-PB, dt.28.05.2015.


Article 243-G of the Constitution requires all the Gram Panchayats to prepare and implement plans for achieving economic development and social justice. The 14th Finance Commission indicated an award allocation of 8654 Crores to the Gram Panchayats in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the span of five years from 2015-16. Systematic efforts have been initiated to maximize Own Source of Revenue (OSR) by the Gram Panchayats. 

2. Further, the 4th Ordinary Elections to Gram Panchayats were held in July-2013 and the elected Sarpanchas and Ward Members are in place in all Gram Panchayats. The five years term of the Gram Panchayats will expire in July – 2018. Foundation Training to all newly elected Sarpanchas and Ward Members was completed in all Districts in the state. Government felt that it desirable to encourage Gram Panchayats, to prepare Decentralized Development Plans (DDPs) in each Gram Panchayat. There are various welfare and development programmes initiated by the government, which have varying degrees of goal achievement; at the same time a lot remains to be achieved. A general observation is that these programmes need to have a holistic view of the Gram Panchayat instead of being focused on the programme and departmental objectives only. The issue of interdepartmental convergence, participation and governance of the programme are also often cited as a reason for under-achievement of programme outcomes. 

The government is of the opinion that the outcomes of the ongoing programmes can be optimized through the participation and empowerment of the stakeholders and local leadership. At the same time, when the World is moving ahead from the 8 Millennium Development Goals paradigm to 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we must also move in sync with the global transformation initiative. Therefore the Government of Andhra Pradesh launched a programme “Smart village – Smart ward” which focuses on improved resource-use efficiency, empowered local selfgovernance, access to assured basic amenities and responsible individual and community behaviour to build a vibrant and happy society. It is envisaged that all Gram Panchayats in the state of Andhra Pradesh successfully prepare and implement their annual action plans on all the subjects entrusted /devolved to them by 2018. 

All the Gram Panchayats are encouraged to indicate their vision statements duly considering the local situations. Panchayat plans can be prepared based on the levels of development seen in different categories of Panchayats in like PESA GPs, urbanized GPs, GPs with vulnerable sections and depending on the size of the GPs etc. 

3. Government after careful consideration of the proposal and in supersession of the guidelines issued earlier on this subject, hereby issue the following guidelines for preparation of GP Development Plans. 2 I. Resource Envelope A. Financial Resource The Financial resource envelope adopted by GPs while preparing annual action plan should include the following. In respect of programme funds, the District Collectors and District Panchayat Officers should communicate the GP-wise resource base well in advance for preparation of plan at GP level. 

  • a) Own Source of Revenue (Taxes and Non-Taxes Covering 40 sources)as updated in RAPR module in the website 
  • b) Finance Commission Grants (both 14th FC and SFC grants) 
  • c) MGNREGS (To the extent of fund dovetailed to Internal Road network, Sanitation including Solid Waste Management and Drinking Water) 
  • d) Swatch Bharat Mission Grant for Solid Waste Management in 659 Selected Gram Panchayats. 
  • e) Incentive Grants sanctioned for unanimously elected 1835 GPs at the rate of Rs.7.00 Lakhs each. 
  • f) Any other source to the Gram Panchayat B . Human Resource 

  • a) Instructions have already been given to District Panchayat Officers for rationalizing the availability of Panchayat Secretaries and other staff uniformly across all mandals and gram Panchayats in the District. 
  • b) Steps shall be taken to position adequate number of Panchayat Secretaries in all cluster GPs even on deputation basis from other departments. However, necessary orders will be issued to all District Collectors in this regard. 
  • c) The services of Part-time and full employees other line departments working on regular or out sourcing basis may also be utilized for preparation of plans II. Environment creation Building proper positive environment is very essential for preparation of implementation of the GP Plan. Plan preparation at GP level can be taken up in a campaign mode with continuous training of all stake holders training. 

The State Panchayat Resource Centre and APSIRD will provide necessary training in this regard. Cost of such trainings may be met from funds released under RGPSA and other line department’s programmes. The following measures shall be taken for building environment; • GP plan preparation team headed by Panchayat Secretary and Mandal Facilitation Team headed by MPDO shall be constituted; • Gram Sabhas shall be actively involved since Peoples participation through Gram Sabha is a critical pre requisite for preparation and implementation of plans effectively. 

Functional committees of Gram Panchayats and Community Based Organizations constituted for each sector shall be adequately and periodically trained and involved in this process; • IEC activities shall be taken up to facilitate and promote GP plan preparation and implementation. The illustrative list is Slides in Cinema halls , Cable TVs, SMS alerts, Pamphlets, Posters, Local folk media, Print and electronic media, Beat of tom tom, Theatre Arts, Folk Arts and Media Cell will be utilized, Social Media, Stickers, etc.