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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

District, State, National Kala Utsav Programme 2015 and Themes, Art Areas and Eligibility

District, State, National Kala Utsav Programme 2015 and Themes, Art Areas and Eligibility

Kala Utsav is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to promote arts in education by nurturing and showcasing the artistic talent of school students at the secondary stage in the country. As an effort to mainstream students with special needs (differently-abled and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds) and celebrating their abilities, Kala Utsav is envisaged as a fully integrated platform.

It would provide an opportunity and favourable environment to nurture and showcase their talents and help in making learning more concrete, creative and joyful. Kala Utsav will be a pioneering celebration of art forms in the school system and shall continue as an ongoing programme. The district/ state/national-level utsav is structured as an art festival which will include performances and display of exhibits along with their online art projects (e-project).

The design of Kala Utsav will help students explore, understand and showcase living art traditions. Through Kala Utsav, students will get the opportunity to understand and celebrate cultural diversity at school, district, state and national levels. The Kala Utsav will not only spread awareness among students, but also create awareness of India’s cultural heritage and its vibrant diversity amongst other stakeholders. Further, this will help to promote the networking of artists, artisans and institutions with schools.

Proceedings of the Director of School Education and  Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, Telangana, Hyderabad.
Rc.No. Kalautsav/RMSA/TS/2015; Dated: 30-09-2015.

Subject: RMSA- Telangana – implementation of Kala Utsav program as per the orders of the GoI to promote arts in education by nurturing and showcasing the artistic talent of school students at the Secondary stage in the country – Reg.

1. D.O.letter.No.2-5/2015-EE-3, dated.23-9-2015 of Smt.Rina Roy, Additional Secretary to GoI, MHRD, New Delhi along with guidelines.
2. U.O.Note.No.Spl/149/A/TE/TSCERT/2015, dated.1-9-2015 of the Director, TSSCERT, Hyderabad.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state invited to the references read above and informed that,  the GoI, MHRD, New Delhi has intimated that the GoI has launched the program called “Kala Utsav” the aim of the program is to promote arts in education by nurturing and showcasing the artistic talent of school students at the Secondary stage in the country and the GoI had also informed that  Kala Utsav would be celebrated each year demonstrating every State’s culture and tradition which would be theme based as follows and there shall be only one entry from each area of art from each State for the Kala Utsav at National Level under following themes, areas and eligibility:

 Theme:1. The theme for Kal Utsav this year will be “ Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao”.
2. The style/method of Kal Utsav 2015 is “living Traditions of Art”.
3. (Living Tradition of Art are tribal, folk and Traditional arts of different regions).

Areas of Art for Kala Utsav:
1. Music
2. Dance
3. Theatre
4. Visual Arts (Drawing, Painting , Sculpture, Craft)

Teams for Kala Utsav:
1. Music 6-10 Students
2. Dance 8-10 students
3. Theatre 8-12 students
4. Visual Arts 4-6 students

Awards at National –Level Kala Utsav:
1. First Prize Rs. 1,25,000/- each
2. Second Prize Rs. 75,000/- each
3. Third Prize Rs. 50,000/- each

Eligibility for Kala Utsav:
Teams of students from classes 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of any Govt and Aided schools / collages.
Visual Arts Visual Arts State shall select the best teams for participating at the National Level  and GoI had suggested  as follows :

A. District : This is first level of Kala Utsav, where all schools can send their entries.(If appropriate and convenient, the State may opt to have Kala Utsav at block or tehsil level).
B. State :  Selected teams from District level will participating at this level.
C. National : This is the final and culminating level of Kala Utsav where best of the State/ UT entries will showcase their talent

e- Proforma for submitting entries:
State level coordinators of Kala Utsav (Through e-mail) by 17th November 2015

Last date of Project form:
Keeping the Kala Utsav dates in view , the State / UTs must upload their best entries for National Level Kala Utsav between 19th and 20th November 2015.

Kala Utsav at the National Level:
1. National Level Kala Utsav shall be organized from 8 to 10 December 2015 at National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi .
2. The national level Awards function shall be held at Siri Fort Auditorium on 11th December , 2015.
3. The celebration of arts (with award winning entries at National Level in the Central Park (Connaught Place) shall be organized on 12th  December , 2015 for the General public.

Special role of the State  secretary (Education):
All the four entries the State / UT shall be seen and approved by the State / UT secretary before they are submitted for the National Level.

After 20th November 2015:
1. Provide information by 21st November 2015 regarding number of participants and teachers who will attend national level Kala Utsav from our State.
2. NCERT shall arrange accommodation.
3. Booking of tickets should be done well in advanced T.A of students and teachers/ shall be reimbursed by NCERT.

The schedule for conduct of state level/ district level  programme, Committee members, Prize money is as follows.
State Level program :
Datescommittee membersPrizeVenue
  8th, 9th, 10th & 11thNovember, 2015 (8th to 11thShowcasing and 12th Public Presentation and prize distribution)1.Director, Jawahar Bal Bhavan in Nampally, Telangana, Hyderabad.
2. Director, Cultural department, Telangana, Hyderabad.
3.Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
4.Additional Director, RMSA, O/o DSE, Telangana, Hyderabad (Nodal Officer).
5.Member nominated by the  Director, S.C.E.R.T, Telangana, Hyderabad.
1st prize Rs 10000/- 2nd prize Rs 5000/- 3rd prize Rs 2000/-Indira Priyadarshini Auditorium, Public Gardens, Nampally, Hyderabad.
Jury members : Theme and area wise two or three experts shall be nominated wherein one reputed artist / expert from Telugu University, Hyderabad, one artist / expert from JNTU Fine Arts Collage, Hyderabad and one artist / expert from reputed music or dance collages in the state.    
District Level program :
Datescommittee membersPrizeVenue
25th, 26th & 27th October, 2015 (25th & 26th showcasing / selection and 27th Final presentation and  prize distribution)1.    Principal, DIET of the concerned district (Nodal Officer). 2.     Deputy Director, I&PR department of the concerned district. 3.    District officer Jawahar Bal Bhavan of the concerned district. 4.    Principal music or dance collage of the concerned district. 5.    DEO of the concerned district. 6.    Concerned Regional Officer, Board of Intermediate Education.  1st prize Rs 5000/- 2nd prize Rs 3000/- 3rd prize Rs 2000/-To be decided by the Nodal Officer.
Jury members : Theme and area wise two or three experts shall be nominated wherein duly ensuing reputed artists / experts shall be in jury or experts from music or dance collages in the district. .

In view of this, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to give vide publicity in print media and electronic media about Kala Utsav , conduct district level Kala Utsav and submit their entries to this office, so as to enable this office to furnish entries to the state level programme committee on or before 30th October 2015 without fail for  conduct of state level programmes wef 8-12th November 2015.