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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bathukamma Festival Celebrations /Programme Action Plan and Instructions

Bathukamma Festival Celebrations /Programme Action Plan and Instructions

Image result for bathukamma imageLAKSHYASRI URADI              WWW.PAATASHAALA.IN
Government, vide G.O. first cited, have issued orders declaring "Bathukamma Panduga" as a State Festival, so as to conduct it all over the State in a befitting manner. In this connection, in the review meeting conducted by the Chief Secretary to Government held on 03.10.2015, it was decided that the grand finale of the 'Bathukamma Panduga', the female festival of flowers, will be organized in Hyderabad on 21.10.2015 ('Saddula Bathukamma'), wherein, there will be participants from all the Districts.

Instructions for Organisation of Bathukamma Festival:
In this regard, the following instructions have been issued for effective organisation of Bathukamma Festival in the State.
1) To conduct a coordination meeting with all the Departments / Officers and Cultural organizers concerned at the District level to prepare a Plan for celebrating the Festival in a befitting manner throughout the District.
2) Instructions may be issued to the Gram Panchayats and Urban Local Bodies to clean up the surroundings of the identified water tanks / water bodies, normally used for immersion of 'Bathukammas' and to provide adequate lighting, security arrangements and all other arrangements, as necessary.
3) Wherever the water bodies are located near the temples, the temple premises also need to be cleaned up, duly making arrangements for drinking water and immersion etc.,
4) In important towns of the District and District Headquarters arrangements may be made to celebrate the Festival on a grand scale by installing suitable sound systems to play the Bathukammas songs through the I & PR Department etc.,
5) Important traffic islands / squares in the District and in towns may be decorated with `Bathukamma' display items by using flowers / balloons etc., to give a Festive look to the District Headquarters.
6) Self-help groups / Women groups pertaining to MEPMA, IKI' may also be fully involved in the Celebrations.
7) Local Artists may be involved to put up cultural shows. tableaux in the District Headquarters, during the Festival.
8) Adequate security arrangements may he provided to participants by deploying the Police personnel to prevent untoward incidents. like theft of ornaments etc.,
9) Security of participants may be ensured by deploying swimmers wherever necessary, near large tanks, water bodies at the Headquarters / major towns.
10) Competition at Division / District level in Painting, Photographs, Short films, etc., may be organised on the theme of the Festival and prizes may be given to the best works.
11) The District Collectors should identify a village with a cultural heritage to make it as a "Home-stay Village" in the years to come, for accommodations the foreign tourists on the times of Bathukamma Festival.
12)The District Collectors should prepare special tourism packages for promotion of domestic tourism within the district in the festive season.
13)The Logo and Mascot of Bathukamma approved by the Chief Secretary and other officials vide reference 2" cited, have to be displayed in all the business establishments, hotels, public places in the district.
14)The District Collectors may organize Women Shopping Festival and Telangana Food Festival in the District, Head quarters, as per their convenience in the dates from 12-10-2015 to 21-10-2015.

Grand Finale at Tank Bund:
a. Every District should send 1CO women menthes of IKP or MEPMA to Hyderabad to participate in the Bathukamma Procession.
b. Every District should identify 100 women artists and send them to Hyderabad to take part in the Parade of artists on Tank Bund.
c. The District Collectors should entrust the duty of Coordinating i tiasoning of these 200 women from starting point to return to their homes, to a responsible district level officer.
d. These women should report and congregate by 12.00 noon at 1.14. Stadium to the officials.
e. Every District should prepare a Tableau. depicting the native tradition and culture of the District and be available in Hyderabad by 10.00 A.M. on 21-10-2015.
f. The Best Tableaux will be given cash prize of Rs.l.00 lakh, Rs.75,000/- and Rs.50,000/- for the 151, 2" and 3'1 prizes respectively.

While all the Departments and respective Gram Panchayats / Urban Local Bodies may take up the works by using their regular funds, additional amount of Rs.10 lakhs is being released to each District by the Department of Culture for celebrating the Festival in a befitting manner.
Further, the District Collectors, may send specific proposals along with action plan well in advance by 10-10-2015, for allocation of additional funds, if any.

All the Collectors are requested to take necessary action in the matter and report action taken on the preparatory arrangements immediately

Bathukamma Panduga(Festival) LOGOs, Theme Elements, Aim Images for bathukamma