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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

AP PS/UPS/HS Maintenance Grants 2015-16

School Grant Primary Schools/ UP and High Schools :

Rs. 5,000/- for PS,,Rs. 12,000/- for UPSRs. 7000/- for UP Sections of High Schools Utilization

AP Rc.2607/SSA Dt:9-10-15 Utilization of Maintenance Grants 2015-16 First priority should be  Maintenance of Toilets

 1.Purchase of games & sports material.
2.Procurement of science lab material, games and sports material in case of upper primary and high schools.
3.Utilizing grants to Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations
4.Purchase of soap liquid and towels for hand washing of children.
5.Stationery, Xeroxing, Procurement of Radio (if not available)
6.Provision of stationary for conducting exams.

Maintenance Grant (@ Rs. 5000/- to 10,000/-) Utilization:

1.Payment of electricity bills per month for primary for upper primary and upper primary sections of high schools.
2.Maintenance of toilets: Not exceeding 300/- per month if the maintenance grant is 5000/- per, if grant is 10000/- per school 500/- either on outsourcing basis or by hiring a local person until an arrangement is made by Government
4.Maintenance of drinking water facility and providing potable water wherever permanent source of drinking water facility is not available.
5.Maintenance of equipment (TV, Computer, Radio, fans, electrical hand switches, electrical motor etc.,)
6.Minor repairs to floor, roof, compound wall, gate, furniture etc. and white washing

School Complex Grant (@ Rs. 22,000/- per annum) : 

a.Contingency Grant – Rs.10,000/-

  • 1.Procurement of DVD Player, CDs, DVDs Digital Camera and Radio, maintenance / procurement of ROTs for Mana TV programmes.
  • 2.Permanent TLM material for preparation of TLM.
  • 3.Procurement of Registers, Records, Stationary etc.
  • 4.Teacher Reference Books
  • 5.Conducting of cluster level competitions to children.

b.Meetings and TA Grant – Rs. 12,000/-

  1. 1.Cell phone charges to School Complex Head Master @ Rs.200/- per month for 12 months – Rs. 2,400/- per year.
  2. 2.Providing Tea and Refreshments to the participants @ Rs.300/- per month – on an average Rs. 3600/- per year.
  3. 3.Conveyance for school visit to the School Complex HM @ Rs. 300/- per month – Rs. 3,000/- per annum (Minimum 10 days tour in a month) subject to furnishing school visit report to DPO / DEO Postage / Xerox etc – Rs. 1000/- per year
  4. 4.Melas, Talent Search Examinations, Documentation, Water and other contingencies etc. prizes / food or chocolates to children – Rs.2000/- per year. IOthers if any as per requirement from the savings of the above items.

MRC Grant – Rs. 80,000/- per MRC per year (Comprising of A, B) Contingent Grant – Rs. 50,000/- per Annum 

  1. 1.Rs. 500/- per month for phone and internet -6000
  2. 2.Rs. 500/- per month for MEOs cell phone - 6000
  3. 3.Drinking water charges @ 250/- per month-3000
  4. 4.Rs.1000/-per month for Electricity charges(12months)-12000
  5. 5.Stationery, Xerox, office maintenance, postage-6000
  6. 6.Maintenance of toilets @500/- for 12 months-6000
  7. 7.Minor repairs to floors, windows, doors, TV, radio,-5000 ROT, printers etc.,
  8. 8.Provision for purchase of Almarah, printer, digital-6000. Camera (As per need priority basis)

B. 1) TA and meetings – Rs. 20,000/- per annum

 FTA to MEOs (as per GO Ms.No.99, Dt:6.4.10)
1).For 20 days tour in a month Rs.1000/- for 12 months-12000 MEO, MRPs should submit the school visit reports Conduct of meetings, providing tea and snacks to the participants-8000

C) TLM - Rs. 10,000/- per annum

  1. 1.Procurement of permanent TLM / DVD, CDs, Radio -5000 Digital Camera etc.,
  2. 2.Reference books, magazines, News paper-2000
  3. 3.Melas, Talent Search Examinations etc-3000

Stock register should be maintained Particulars of procured item should be entered in the stock register.

General Guidelines :

  1. All types of grants shall be utilized as per the guidelines during the Academic year
  2. The SMC shall make resolutions to utilize all types of grants (except MRC) on the above mentioned items and the resolutions shall be minuted accordingly.
  3. Social audit shall be done by SMC on utilization of the grants.
  4. Stock and Issue Registers shall be maintained for the items procured and utilized.
  5. Expenditure and balance available shall be displayed on the notice board.
  6. Discussion on utilization of grants shall be conducted at monthly SMC meetings
  7. Cash book and vouchers shall be maintained for all the transactions.
  8. Headmasters are responsible for utilization of grants as per guidelines at school level; School 
  9. Complex Headmaster & Asst. Secretary at Complex level and MEO at MRC level.
  10. School Complex and MRC grants shall be drawn every month as per monthly requirements only.
  11. The DIET, DPO staff, MEO shall monitor the utilization of grants and record in the academic guidance register and furnish report to the DPO and SPO. Necessary action may be taken based on the observations made during their visits.
  12. The State Level Observers shall also visit sample schools, MRCs and School Complexes and observe the utilization of grants and recommend appropriate measures and action