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Thursday, October 1, 2015

19th International Children’s Film Festival (ICFFI) Declared as TS Govt Function

19th International Children’s Film Festival (ICFFI) Declared as TS Govt Function

GO.2674 - International Children’s Film Festival (ICFFI) Declared as TS Govt. Function from 14th  to 20th  November, 2015

GO.2674, ICFFI-19th International Children’s Film Festival (ICFFI) Declared as Telangaa State Government Function from 14th  to 20th  November, 2015, Government Of Telangana State, G.O.RT.No.2674, General Administration (Political.B) Department,Dated: 01/10/2015

STATE FUNCTION-19th  International Children’s   Film   Festival   (ICFFI) Declaration as Government Function- Orders – Issued.


1. The 19th International Children’s Film Festival (ICFFI)- 2015 to be held at Hyderabad during 14th  to 20th  November, 2015 is hereby declared as “GOVERNMENT  FUNCTION” and to be co-hosted with Government of India, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.

2. The expenditure in connection to the above function shall be met by all concerned departments from their respective budgets, allocated for the financial year 2015-2016.

3. This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O.No.9585/ 411 /A1 /2015, dt:16.09.2015.

G.O.RT.No.2674, General Admin(Pol.B) Dept, Dated: 01/10/2015