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Sunday, September 27, 2015

TSSPDCL 201 AE/ Assistant Engineer Posts 2015

TSSPDCL 201 AE/ Assistant Engineer Posts 2015 at TSSOUTHERNPOWER.COM

TSSPDCL Assistant Engineer Posts 2015

TSSPDCL/ #TSSouthernPower has given the 201 #AE/ Assistant Engineer Posts 2015 Recruitment Notification on 26th September 2015 and Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Ltd (TSSPDCL) invites #onlineapplications from the eligible and qualified candidates for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical.,Electronics and Civil).

TSSPDCL,AE,Assistant Engineer Posts

With a vision to fulfill the expectations of the Government, the Telangana Southern Power Distribution Company Limited, which came into being on 2nd June 2014, with an objective of electricity to the people at an affordable price.

With its headquarters at Hyderabad, the TSSPDCL encompasses an area of five districts viz., Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Medak and Rangareddy, Catering to the power requirements of 8 million consumers. The philosophy of TSSPDCL is to enhance its performance and emerge stronger by the day to offer its customers the best and value for money.

Post Details:
Assistant Engineer (Electrical)
Total No. of Vacancies: 164

Applicants must possess the qualifications from a recognized University as detailed below or equivalent thereto as specified in the relevant Service Rules, intended by TSSPDCL as on the date of Notification. So, Candidates Must possess a bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering /Electrical & Electronics Engineering of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or Provincial Act, or a State Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or a pass in Sections ‘A’ &’B’ of AMIE(India) examination in Electrical Engineering.( BE and BTech(E E E))

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2015

(Remittance of fee) Each applicant must pay Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) towards Online Application Processing Fee

How to Apply: Applications are invited On-line from qualified candidates through the proforma Application made available on TSSPDCL Website.

#Important Dates:
1. Starting date for Payment of Fee and Application submission is 08-10-2015.
2. Last date for payment of Fee at Online is 23-10-2015.
3. Last date for submission of Application is 23-10-2015.
4. Hall-tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination.
5. #ExamDate: Exam will be held on 22-11-2015

#OnlineApplication: (this is original link and it will be opened soon..)
TSSPDCL Assistant Engineer Posts 2015 Recruitment Notification