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Sunday, September 27, 2015

TS DEECET 2015 Second Time Certificate Verification Dates Announced for Generation of Ranks

TS DEECET 2015 Second Time Certificate Verification Dates Announced for Generation of Rank

TS DEECET 2015 2nd Time Certificate Verification Dates Announced for Generation of Ranks

Certificate Verification Dates Announced for Generation of Ranks: First Phase TS DEECET 2015 Certificate Verification Dates/Schedule for Web Counselling,Phase I and Phase II Web Counselling Schedule. Telangana State School Education Departments has issued the DEECET 2015 Counselling/TS DEECET 2015 Certificates Verification Dates(schedule) notification on 02-09-2015 for conducting counselling through Web Based admission mode for admission into two year Diploma in Education Course for the academic year 2015-2017 in Govt DIETs and Private D.Ed Colleges.

So, D.Ed course 2015-2015 admissions will be taken up through web based counselling that is online admissions process by the Education department officials as per the given schedule.

TS DEECET 2015 Second Time Certificate Verification Dates:
PRESS NOTE: Certain candidates have submitted representations stating that they have not attended for verification in time and requested to give another opportunity. In view of the representations of the candidates it is decided to conduct the verification of certificates (for those students who are failed to attend earlier) on 28-09-2015 and 29-09-2015.

Hence the students who were qualified and have not attended earlier for verification of certificates are requested to attend the Government DIET College of the concerned District from where they appeared for DEECET 2015 Exam with all original certificates on working hours (10.00 AM to 5.00 PM).

The qualified marks for OC/BC are 35 in DEECET and there is no minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST students, and the candidates should have secured 50% of marks in aggregate in the Qualifying Examination for appearing at the DEECET. The minimum percentage of marks in the case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Physically challenged candidates shall however be 45%. The Candidates who passed Intermediate with Vocational Courses are not eligible.

The following original certificates are to be produced for verification.
1. Intermediate or its equitant certificate
2. SSC or its equitant certificate
3. Study certificates I to X or Local area certificate issued by Revenue authorities in case of private study candidates
4. Caste certificate issued by Tahasildar/MRO
5.  In case of special category candidates Viz PCP, NCC, Sports, Scouts and Guide  and CAP candidates should submit relevant certificates in support of their claim.

Further, all the candidates are informed that if they are not attended for verification of certificates they shall not be allotted any rank and they are not eligible to participate in the counselling. Hence they are requested to attend for verification without fail.

Further all the candidates are requested to download the verification check list form web site and attend the Govt. DIET from where they appeared for DEECET 2015 Exam for verification along with one set of Xerox copies of certificates. For further details and downloading of verification check list visit web site or contact Mobile No 8179517010.
Dist. CodeDistrictName and Address of the CollegePhone No
14Mahaboobnagar GOVT DIET  MettuGuda,Mahabubnagar08542 241017
15Rangareddy GOVT DIET Vikarabad, Ranga Reddy9849649617
16Hyderabad GOVT DIET Neredmet, Hyderabad040 27225824
17Medak Govt DIET  HEVALI GANAPURAM, Medak8801684241
18NizamabadPrincipal GOVT DIET Mallaram, Nizamabad9704580873
19AdilabadGOVT DIET  NEAR NTR CIRCLE,Adilabad08732 226537
20KarimnagarGOVT DIET LMD Colony, Karimnagar0878 2223252
21WarangalGOVT DIET Hanamkonda, Warangal8702573330
22Khammam GOVT DIET Tekulapally, Khammam9848098992
23NalgondaGOVT DIET  BTS COLONY ,Nalgonda9246772723
 Second Time Certificate Verification Dates

The list of college like Government DIETs, Unaided, non Minority Colleges which did not opt for SW 2(Single Window 2) and range of ranks permissible for applying the admissions, Community or Special Category wise and Detailed admissions procedure will be available soon on the TS DEECET official website( Dates will be provided soon).

DEECET 2015 Candidates, who fall within the permissible DEECET Ranks can submit their performance of teacher training colleges through online from the link will be opened on official website. The web counselling and admission schedule of TS DEECET-2015  is being followed.

TS DEECET 2015 1st time Certificate Verification Dates Notification
All the DEECET 2015 candidates are here by informed that it is decided to verify all the original certificates of DEECET-2015 qualified candidates before generation of ranks. Hence all the students (qualified) are requested to attend the Government DIET College of the concerned District from where they appeared for DEECET 2015 Exam with all original certificates. The qualified marks for OC/BC are 35 in DEECET and there is no minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST students. The following schedule is given for verification of certificates.

Marks secured and Date of Certificate verification
 1. Above 45 marks: 08-09-2015
2. 44 to 40 marks: 09-09-2015
3. 39 to 35 marks: 10-09-2015
4. Below 35 (SC/ST candidates only): 11-09-2015

Further, all the candidates are informed that if they are not attended for verification of certificates they shall not be allotted any rank and they are not eligible to participate in the counselling. Hence the qualified candidates are requested to attend for verification without fail.

List of Documents:
The following original certificates are to be produced for verification.
1. Intermediate or its equitant certificate
2. SSC or its equitant certificate
3. Study certificates I to X or Local area certificate issued by Revenue authorities in case of private study candidates
4. Caste certificate issued by Tahasildar/MRO
5. In case of special category candidates Viz PCP, NCC, Sports, Scouts and Guide and CAP candidates should submit relevant certificates in support of their claim.
For further details visit web site www. or contact phone no 8179517010

Guidelines on Certain Items for DEECET Certificates Verification

TS DEECET 2015 Web Counselling and Admission Schedule

 1. First phase of Counseling: 08-09-2015
2. Second phase of Counseling: 15.09.2015
3. Admissions for left over seats: 24.09.2015
4. First day of instruction: 14-09-2015
A. Phase-I
  1. Counselling and Verification of Certificates: 08-09-2015 to 11-09-2015.
  2. Generation of Ranks: 13-09-2015
  3. Web Options: .............
  4. Allotment of Seats: ...........
  5. First Instructions Day: 14-09-2015.
B. Phase-II
  1. Web Options: ..............
  2. Allotment of Seats: -------------
  3. Counselling and Verification of Certificates: ..................
  4. First Instructions Day: 14-09-2015

First phase of Counseling involves in the following steps
 1. Preparation of Seat Matrix,
2. Verification of certificates at DIETs
3. Generation of Ranks
4. Web Options 
5. Allotment of seats to candidates,
6. Issue of Final Admission letter(FAL)
7. Acknowledgement Letter submission

DEECET Updates

#TS DEECET Useful links:

TS DEECET 2015 Admission Process

Telangana DEECET 2015 for Admission into the two years D.Ed Course for 2015-2017 counselling will be started in two phases as per given schedule and after if seats remained can’t, spot admissions will be done also same methodology through online. For admissions under Category B, the Institutions of both governments shall notify all the details of seats under this category an conduct the admissions in a fair and transparent manner.