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Sunday, September 27, 2015

TOSS SSC and Inter Admissions 2015-2016 Notification

TOSS SSC and Inter Admissions 2015-2016 Notification

TOSS SSC and Inter Admissions 2015-2016 Notification

The Telangana State government has established its own Open School Society for admission into SSC and intermediate various courses to be offered in Open School Distance Education System. It is a great opportunity for drop out students to continue their education. The Telangana Open School Society has been dedicated for T State only and TOSS will be for TS Open School admissions.

TOSS will provide opportunities for continuing education to those who have missed opportunities to complete school and development education and to other children/persons desirous of pursuing school level education through open and distance learning (ODL) mode by offering courses and programmes of general education, life enrichment and vocational education up to pre-degree level.

TOSS mission is providing pre-elementary Education through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode to School drop-outs and those missing Upper Primary stage of education and to attain Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in the State and provide continuing education for adult neo-literates, working men and women to reinforce their functional literacy and not to allow them to relapse into illiteracy.

The TOSS Director will issue the TOSS SSC and Inter Admissions 2015-2016 Notification in this month for admission into SSC and Intermediate courses for this academic year 2015-2016 through distance mode in its Open school study centers. The candidates can apply for 10th class and intermediate courses as per its schedule, which will be announced soon. More details will be updated on the official website or available at study centers.

The enrolled students have to appear for the examination conducted by TOSS. There will be separate study material and examination pattern for open school system candidates. The degrees will be considered on par with regular candidates.

TOSS Admission fee:
Admission fee payable for SSC and Inter as for the following. Do not pay any additional amount of money for admission other than specified.
i) Admission Fee for SSC:
For General Category Candidates: Rs.1300/-
For SC/ST/BC/Minority/ Women etc., : Rs.900/-

ii) Admission Fee for Intermediate:
For General Category Candidates: Rs.1400/-
For SC/ST/BC/Minority/ Women etc., : Rs.1100/-

Educational qualification:
A. For 10th Class: No formal educational qualification but candidates should completed 14 years is eligible.
B. For Intermediate: The candidates who have passed SSC/Secondary course and Intermediate /XII failed candidates of other Boards can join in Intermediate courses in their study centers. Science candidates should take admission in Junior Colleges only.

TOSS SSC and Inter Features:
Eligible for Central or State government Jobs and Eligible for Higher studies i.e., Inter, Degree, EAMCET, B.Tech, Medcine, Agriculture, Law etc and and abroad also. These courses useful to govt/ private employees eligible for promotions.

Age Limit:
There is no upper age limit for admissions. However,The students age limit should have completed 14 years as on 31st August, 2015.

#How to Apply:
Eligible Candidates can apply through online mode only. So, The filled in Application forms, after certified by the A.I Coordinator, register through Online at Meea Seva centre, by paying requisite fee. Submit the original copy of application along with enclosures at the AI. Take the duplicate copy of application to Mee Seva for updation through online. Take the Admission fee receipt and printout copy of the online Registered application form Mee Seva and preserve it for future reference.

Important Dates:
1. Issue of prospectus and application form nearest study centers from: 08.8.15 to 30.9.15
2. Dates of Submission/Uploading of Applications: 08.8.15 to 19.9.15
With Prescribed Fee: 07.8.15 to 05.9.15
With Late Fee: 06.9.15 to 30.9.15

TOSS Admissions are extended up to 30th September 2015

Application Form