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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Memo.10093 Clarifications on Up-gradation of LP- Gr.II and PETs working in High Schools as SAs and PDs

Memo.10093 Clarifications on Up-gradation of LP- Gr.II and PETs working in High Schools as SAs and PDsMemo.10093 clarifications on up-gradation of Gr.II Language Pandits and PETs working in High Schools as School Assistants (Languages) and school Assistant (Physical Education),  Government Of Telangana School Education (Ser.II) Department, Memo No.10093 /Ser.II /A1 /2012, Dated.27.5.2015.

SE Deptt. - Telangana State - Proposal for up-gradation of Gr.II Language Pandits and PETs working in High Schools as School Assistants (Languages) and school Assistant (Physical Education) -Certain clarification sought for - Reg.

1) From the C&DSE., A.P., Hyderabad, Lr. Rc.No.882/D1-4/2011, dated 10.6.2013.
2) From the C&DSE., Telangana, Hyderabad, Lr. Rc.No.67/DSC-2012/2014, dated 13.11.2014.
3) Govt. Memo.No.10093/Ser.II/A1/2012, dated 24.12.2014 & 21.02.2015.
4) From the DSE., Hyd., Lr. Rc.No.215/Ser.III/2014, dt.19.02.2015.
5) From the DSE., Hyd., Lr. Rc.No.215/Ser.III/2014, dt.15.5.2015.


The attention of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad is invited to the references cited and he is requested to clarify the following points, urgently:-

1. Out of 8730 posts of Language Pandits sanctioned in the State, the proposal now is to upgrade 6862. What happens to the balance 1868 posts ?

2. Total 763 SGT posts need to be suppressed. In which schools this will be done and what is the justification ? How will it impact teaching in the schools ?

3. The amount that we save by suppressing 763 SGT posts, is it equal to the amount required to upgrade 6862 Language Pandits as School Assistants (Language) ?

4. Similarly, 247 SGT posts need to be suppressed for upgrading 2253 PETs as School Assistants (Physical Education). In this case also the total financial implications of suppression and up gradation must match.

5. Justify this suppression of 247 SGT Posts. Will it impact the schools ?

6. How many total PET posts are there in the State. Out of that, proposal is now to upgrade 2253. What happens to the balance posts ?

7. There is a proposal to delete the P.G. qualification for promotion to the post of School Assistant (Language). Details are required to be seen that how many SGTs and how many Language Pandits get promotions as School Assistants (Language). Can we have a cycle in the promotions, based on the ratios of these two posts., SGTs and Language Pandits, which will take case of promotions for both these feeder categories, by keeping P.G. qualification intact. Does the P.G. make the SGTs capable of teaching languages in the Schools on par with Language Pandits ?

Memo No.10093/Ser.II/A1/2012 Dated.27.5.2015