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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Notification

APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Notification

APPSC Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Notification

APPSC #Departmentaltests #November Session Notification 2015, Online Application, Fee payment, Time table, Eligibility, How to apply,, Exam date, Last date for Online Applying; APPSC Departmental Tests Notification 2015/November 2015 Session APPSC Departmental Tests 2015 Notification.

APPSC, Departmental Tests, November 2015 Session

APPSC has issued Departmental Tests November 2015 Session Notification  on 18th of November 2015. The AP Public Service Commission will conduct the Departmental Tests Examinations (Objective Type) vide Go.Ms.No.602 GA (Ser-C) Department, Dt:01/11/2011 and few Tests are Written Examinations as mentioned under Para 5 (h) at (13) District Head Quarters of Andhra Pradesh and in Hyderabad for NOVEMBER 2015 Session from 26/11/2015 to 01/12/2015 as per the Time-Table shown in accordance with the terms and conditions as laid down in Departmental Tests Rules, 1965 and as amended from time to time.

The Commission is inviting the Departmental Tests applications from the candidates for November 2015 Session Examinations through ON-LINE only on payment of Rs.50/- for each Test. Application Form, Time-Table and other full details are available in the Commission’s Website Applicants shall apply the Departmental Test for November 2015 session examinations through ON-LINE ONLY from 25/09/2015 to 29/10/2015 (from 25/09/2015 to 26/10/2015 for payment of fees) as the earlier procedure of sale of applications at the Head Post Offices at District Head Quarters and at SALES COUNTER of APPSC Office has been dispensed with by the Commission. The candidate should read the Commission’s Notification and other instructions available in User’s Guide carefully before applying the Test and enter the particulars properly in the Application through ON-LINE.

1. Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ Printed Application Form will not be entertained either direct/y or by Post Office or in person.
2. A candidate if he/she desires can appear for one or more of the Tests to the extent the Time-table allows.
3. Candidates are advised to submit their applications through on-line well in advance of the last date and time  i.e., 29/10/2015 – 5.00 P.M. (26/10/2015 for payment of fee)

Eligibility to Appear For The Tests:

A. Only the employees working in the respective departments of andhra pradesh are eligible to apply for the tests mentioned below.
However, Secretariat employees wherever the rules permit are allowed to appear for any Departmental Test in order to get eligibility for appointment by transfer/ promotion to other Services, on payment of the prescribed fee.
a) Commercial Taxes Department: Paper Code No:6 & 7. (Written Examination)
b) Treasuries and Accounts Department:  Paper  Code  No:  31,46,64,79,89,100,114  and 129.
N.B: Typists-cum-Assts. working in Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) are also eligible to appear for the Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination.
c) Sericulture Department: Paper Code No:32,47,65,80,90,1O1,115,130 and 143.
d) Mines & Geology Department: Paper Code No: 150 only.
e) Divisional Test: Paper Code No: 30, 63, 81,113 & 138.
f) Works Accounts Service: Paper Code No: 44, 78, 99, and 128.
g) Workshop Officers: Paper Code No: 14 & 29.
h) A.P. Public Service Commission: Paper Code No: 149.
N.B: The respective Service Rules should be referred to by the candidates for deciding the eligibility or otherwise to apply for the Tests.
B. The following Tests bearing Paper Code numbers are open to all, whether the applicant is in Government Service or not. Paper Code No. 5, 8, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36, 43, 45, 49, 62, 67, 77, 98, 108, 127, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144 to 148 and 155.
C. Other Tests can be written by any Government Servant, whether working in the same Department or not Those who have already passed the test should not apply again. If any such case comes up to the notice of the commission he/she is liable for severe disciplinary action by the department besides cancellation of the test passed second time by him/her

Remittance of fee:
(i) a) The fee payable for each paper mentioned in the time-table of this notification shall be rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only). However, no fee is prescribed for the Tests in Gujarathi and Marwari Languages.
b) The applicant should pay Rs.50/- towards application fee for each Test, and examination fee @ Rs.50/- for each paper payable to the Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission, Hyderabad through Challan in any branch of State Bank of India / A.P. ON-LINE Centre from 25/09/2015 to 26/10/2015. After submission of the details in the Online Form, the Challan will be generated in Downloadable /Printable PDF (Portable Document Format). Candidates are required to take printout of the challan. Through Challan Form candidates are required to pay the amount as indicated in the Challan in any branch of State Bank of India / A.P. ON-LINE Centre.

The fee once remitted under any circumstances shall not be refunded or adjusted. Failure to pay the examination fee, application fee will entail total rejection of application. (Government removed all fee exemptions vide G.O.Ms.No. 360, General Administration (Services-C) Department, dated: 16/08/2002). The list of Branches of State Bank of India / A.P. ON-LINE Contra is available in Website

ii) IPOs / Demand Orafts are not accepted.

How to pay Fees and fill in the Application Form

Mode of Payment of Fee:
I Step: The Candidate has to logon to the WEBSITE ( and enter his/her necessary details like Name, Father's Name, Date of Birth, and papers to be applied.
II Step: Immediately on entering the above details the Applicant will get Challan Form to pay the Fee at State Bank of India /AP Online centers.
III Step: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee in any one of the State Bank of India /A.P. Online centers and obtain Fee paid challan with Journal Number in the first instance.
IV Step: On the next working day after payment of Fee the Applicant should again visit WEBSITE and enter the Journal Number details to get the format of Application. The applicant has to invariably fill all the columns in the Application and should submit ON-LINE.
V Step: Those candidates who need assistance of Scribe are requested to apply for the same directly to the Commission on or before 29/10/2015. They should mention the Application ID Number and enclose Copy of the Medical Certificate along with a representation.
VI Step:  The duration of all tests shall be two (2) hours (except few tests)
VII Step: Candidates who are writing the examination in objective Type are advised to hand over the original OMR sheet to the invigilator and can take carbonless OMR sheet copy along with them.

Special Conditions Prescribed for Certain Tests

a) Candidate applying for "Departmental Test for Mines and Geology" should furnish the period of service completed in the Application Form.

b) Divisional Test:
Senior Assistants working in the Offices of Director of Accounts in Projects and Accounts Branches of the Divisions of the P.W.D. (R&B), Irrigation Branch, Public Health Engg. Department and Panchayat Raj Engg. Department and Ports Department who have been working as such for a period of three years or more are allowed to appear for this examination. Superintendents working in the above Departments are also allowed to appear for the examination. Senior Assistant/ Superintendents working in the Divisions of P.W. Engineering Departments i.e., State Government Employees are only eligible for appearing Divisional Test.

They should download and fill the service certificate which is available in the Commission's Website showing the service rendered in the Category of Senior Assistant in Engineering Department and get the signature with Seal of the Controlling Officer of parent department as per the particulars shown in their Service Register. The Service Certificate duly signed by the Controlling Officer should be scanned and uploaded.

Otherwise their applications will be summarily rejected. Local Body Employees may also apply for this Test. But their admission is provisional, subject to their eligibility as per G.O.Ms.No. 86, Finance & Planning (FW.WA-1) Department, dt. 22/05/1998. Commerce graduates who claim exemption from passing Paper-I of Part-I of Divisional Test should furnish information in the Application Form. Failing which, their Applications are not considered for exemption of Paper-I of Part-I of the Divisional Test.

c) Candidates appearing for Fisheries Department Test-II should furnish the information regarding satisfactory completion of training from the State Fisheries Training Institute, Kakinada in the Application Form.

d) Candidates appearing for Criminal Judicial Test with Law Qualification should furnish the information in the Application Form to seek exemption from passing Paper-I & II of the above Test, failing which their Applications will not be considered for exemption from passing Papers I & II of the Test.

e) Candidates appearing for Sericulture Department Test, Part-III (Paper Code No. 154 - Practical Test) must pass Part - I of the Test consisting 4 papers and that they are required to furnish the information in the Application Form.

f) All papers of objective type 2 hours only.

g) Language Test paper code No.5,6,7,19,28,37,49,67,36,58,74 and surveys & Settlement 69,87,109,118,110,119,111,120,112,121,116,133,117,134,122,135 (written exam) is in conventional Type.

h)  The duration of tests of objective type and descriptive type pattern is as per the G.0.Ms. No.288, GA(Ser. c) Dept., dt:10/09/2014.

1) Candidates  according to  Para-5(b) and (c) of  the Departmental Tests  Notification are only eligible, other than Department candidates are not eligible. If candidates applied other than Department liable for rejection and also debarment.
2) Certifying officers have to verify the records whether he/she has been completed 3years of minimum service in the category of Sr.Asst.

Application will be rejected on the following reasons:-
1. If the Photo/ Signature uploaded is not clear.
2. If prescribed fee is not paid and/or if fee paid is less.
3. If fee is not paid towards application.
4. If the Service Certificate is not filled/ not signed by the Controlling Officer/ without seal of the Controlling Officer/ signed by the candidate himself/herself (self attestation) instead of his/her Controlling Officer/signed by the Gazetted Officer instead of their Controlling Officer. If not uploaded the Service Certificate.
5. If the filled in Application Form is not in terms of this notification.
6. If the applicant is not eligible to appear for the Test in terms of Para(3) of the Notification.
7. If the candidate applies during debarment period.

Examination centre:
All the departmental tests, except "departmental test for the staff of APPSC, divisional test & departmental test for a.p. works accounts service' will be held at all the "13 District Head Quarters" "including Hyderabad city". Which is common capital. The departmental test for the staff of appsc, divisional test & departmental test for AP.P works accounts service will be held at Hyderabad centre only.
The Departmental Tests examinations will be held at (13) District Head Quarters and also at state common capital Hyderabad as mentioned below. The candidates are admitted to the District Centres where the candidate is presently working as mentioned in the application. 
Code No.District NameCode No.District Name

Help Desk:
"Prathibha Bhavan", M.J.Road,
Opp: Gagan Vihar, Nampally,Hyderabad 500103, A.P(India).
Ph:24603593 /24603594 /24603595 /24603596
Fax: +914024601664

#Important Dates:
1. Date of issue of Notification: 18-09-2015
2. Date of commencement of payment of fee at AP online/SBI : 25-09-2015.
3. Date of Commencement of submission of applications through online: 25-09-2015.
4. Last date for payment of fee at APONLINE / SBI : 26-10-2015.
5. Last date for submission of applications through online: 29-10-2015.
6. Commencement of Departmental Test, November 2015 Session Examinations: 26-11-2015 to 01-12-2015.
- G.O.T On: 28-11-2015 (GOT Paper Code: 88 and 97)
- E.O.T On: 29-11-2015 (EOT Paper Code: 141)
- Special Language 29-11-2015 (paper code: 37)
Download the Notification at Web Portal : Go to Website or