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Monday, September 28, 2015

AP Revised U-DISE Schedule and SSA Guidelines Instructions Dates

  AP Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Calendar of SSA Activities , AP DSE Guidelines for fillup UDISE , DATA entry Child info , A AP U-DISE Revised Schedule , SSA UDISE Calendar Activities , UDISE 2015-16,ndra Pradesh School Education , SSA Annual report , Institutions to MROs HMs Dy.DEOs collection of UDISE information 2015-16.
 National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), Department of School Education  ,AP District wise UDISE School Codes

AP Revised U-DISE  Schedule and SSA Guidelines Instructions Dates 

AP UDISE work Proposed schedule:

  1. 1.Finalization of School Directory for the Year 2015-16 at District Level. : 01-09-15 to 10-09-15
  2. 2.Finalization of guidelines for Data Capture Format (DCF) and State Variables and Generation of data for the year 2015-16 at SPO : 08-09-15 to 17-09-15
  3. 3. Printing of UDISE training manuals at SPO : By 21-09-15
  4. 4. One day Workshop for ASO, APOs, MIS Cor., ASO O/o. DEO   on generation of data for the year 2015-16 & printing of UDISE DCF with UDISE S/W and Corrections of GPs, Habitation & Assembly Names in UDISE at State Level. : 22-09-15
  5. 5. Printing of DCF through UDISE S/W at district Project Offices : 23-09-15 to 28-09-15
  6. 6. Observing UDISE DAY : 30-09-15
  7. 7. One day district level training to mandal teams @ 3 from each mandal (1 MEO, two MRG teachers), PMRC incharges, Dy.EOs, RIOs, DVEOs - not more than 50 participants in each spell and Distribution of DCFs Note: Involve RMSA Staff. : Complete by 01-10-15
  8. 8. One day mandal level training to CRPs/HMs (District MIS staff should attend to Mandal trainings as resource persons to the complicated mandals) and distribution of DCF.One day District Level training to Principals of Junior Collages by RIOs, DVEOs & Dy.E.Os and distribution of DCF. : Complete by 06-10-15
  9. 9. Filling up of Data Capture Formats by school HMs and Field Data Collection(Reference date 30th Sep 2014) : 06-10-15 to 09-10-15
  10. 10. Scrutiny and Cross Checking of 100% Data Capture Formats at School Complex(CRP)  Level : 10-10-15 to 13-10-15
  11. 11. Two day state level training to ASO/APOs on UDISE software for data entry& Plan Tool Software by RMSA @ 3 from each district (ASO & APOs working in O/o DPO &ASO working in O/o DEO) : 12-10-15 to 13-10-15
  12. 12. Scrutiny and Cross Checking of 25% Data Capture Formats at MRC  Level : 14-10-15 to 17-10-15
  13. 13. Submission of Data capture formats to District Project Office by MEOs as per Schedule : By 19-10-15
  14. 14. Arrangement of at least 15 systems for data entry at district level : By 19-10-15
  15. 15. One day training to Mandal MIS Coordinator / data entry operators for data entry at District Headquarters on UDISE software and entry procedures : By 26-10-15
  16. 16. Scrutiny and Cross checking of 5% DCF at District level : By 26-10-15
  17. 17. Data entry at the district level/Mandal level under the supervision of concerned MEOs / MRG Teachers / Mandal MIS Coordinators Error Checking using Consistency Module and Validation Software either at District/Mandal level. Printing of School Report Cards after data entry and re-verification by HMs. : 27-10-15 to 21-11-15
  18. 18. Removal of Errors/Discrepancies in the data : 23-11-15 to 30-11-15
  19. 19. Merging of Mandal wise data at District level after removal of errors : 01-12-15 to 03-12-15
  20. 20. Submission of district data to State Head Office : 04-12-15  to 09-12-15
  21. 21. Error Checking at State Level : 10-12-15 to 12-12-15
  22. 22. Merging of District level data at State Project Office : 13-12-15 to 17-12-15
  23. 23. Printing and distribution of school report cards to all schools in the state :  18-12-15 to 27-12-15
  24. 24. Submission of data to NUEPA , EdCIL(TSG) & MHRD : 31-12-15
  25. 25. Dissemination of data at state, district and Mandal levels : 01-01-16 to 10-01-16
  26. 26. Printing of a booklet on educational statistics : 11-01-16 to 25-01-16
  27. 27. Generation of tables for Planning : 3rd week of Jan’16

AP U DISE  information 2015-16 Download below links : 

U-DISE Booklet 2015-16 
U DISE DCF Description 2015-16